The Simple Masterpiece of Instant Mashed Potatoes | Teen Ink

The Simple Masterpiece of Instant Mashed Potatoes

November 16, 2014
By Adam3231 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Adam3231 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No this is Patrick"

If I am beyond my normal happiness it is due to one of two things, either battle cats some instant mashed potatoes. Instant mashed potatoes are my long term antidepressant. They make my smile brighter, my mind sharper, the grass greener, the sky brighter, and my tummy says thank you. In appropriate quantities, instant mashed potatoes will have many upsides only countered by one down side; slight weight gain. 

Potatoes, being almost pure carbohydrates in the form of starches, are great for large amounts of energy within the next 24 hours. Instant mashed potatoes are made of 100 percent real potatoes, giving them this amazing short term energy advantage.  Instant mashed potatoes also have seven grams of fat per serving which is another vital nutrient.  This is stored in cells as fatty acid.  These complicated polymers cannot be broken down very fast to be used as energy right away. Since polysaccharides (carbohydrates) are used up as fast as possible and require fast replenishment, the fat given in instant mashed potatoes gives you complex energy that can be made into ATP (fuel for cells) when the carbohydrates are all burned out. So, if instant mashed potatoes were eaten at dinner, your cells would have time to prepare the carbohydrates and fatty acids for the next day giving you fuel for most of the day.  If any vigorous activities were to be done and you quickly ran out of carbohydrates, your newly added fatty acids will be made into ATP and fuel you until they run out, which is highly unlikely.

Now, I am not saying instant mashed potatoes every night is a great idea, but when its sport season, that is pretty close to what I have. When I'm having my beloved mashed potatoes they are usually followed by a hefty piece of meat, preferably in the form of chicken, turkey, ham, or beef to give me protein so I can build muscle when burning my carbohydrates and fatty acids. Alongside the main dishes I always have a crisp and crunchy carrot or fruit of some kind to give me my vital nutrients and vitamins.  To top it off I have a large glass of cold one percent milk.

Just thinking of this mouthwatering meal of champions is triggering the lateral hypothalamus. Your pituitary gland now thinks you are receiving a meal meant for gods; triggering the watering of your mouth, the rumbling in your stomach, and the release of the hunger hormone Ghrelin. It may not be sport season or a special occasion, but I can still smell the sweet aroma.  I shall not see you in come time my sweet instant mashed potatoes but you will always have a place in my heart.

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