Our September | Teen Ink

Our September

October 28, 2014
By Kikbee BRONZE, Albion, Michigan
Kikbee BRONZE, Albion, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Care Free highway to happiness, realizing ignorance is a bliss :)"

September 29th, 2013, will always be the best day of my life. I fell for Evan months before that and being just friends is just not what I wanted I wanted to be so much more, but he needed time to heal from a past relationships so A friend Is just what he needed. Evan and I talked for a while and just continued to grow closer and closer to each other which is probably why we continue to go so strong because we didn’t rush into things. One day he shows up at my house and he looked so cute (like always) and I couldn’t help but feel like today was the day that he was going to make it official! It was only his second time ever coming to my house and being around my family so he was still pretty nervous but it was adorable to me. He says hello to everyone in the house and we make our way to my room, I didn’t have anything planned out so we just laid around & watched movies & talked to each other it was already a perfect day.
We were only halfway through the movie when all of a sudden he turns to me and it was like looking in his eyes just made me fall head over heels for him. He gets a little smirk on his face, “What” I said with a little giggle! “I have a question” he says, my heart was in my stomach after he said that. “Yes?” I replied. He looked nervous but it was cute, “Kiana Nicole Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks. “YES” I replied with such excitement in my voice and the biggest smile on my face! I lay my head back on his chest and we continue to watch the movie. Laying there with him just knowing that he was all mine and I was all his was the most amazing feeling in the world! 
Months before he asked me out I was already head over heels for him and I continued to fall harder and harder everyday that I spent with him. We practically were a couple already, we did everything a couple did but I knew that he needed time to heal and I’m glad that I could help him get through that. Waiting for him was perfectly fine with me because he was worth the wait! The feelings I have for him and always have had for him are indescribable and they just keep getting stronger and stronger. I mean were a typical couple we have our fights but they never last long because it’s just way too hard to try and stay mad at each other. Evan use to walk me up to the school so I could get picked up and we always had the best talks and we always laughed so hard on our walks, There perfect! It started pouring rain when we got to the school, so we got stuck in the rain but he took me by surprise when he pulled me in and kissed me, I felt myself begin to blush so I pulled away a little. He looked at me and just smiled which made me blush even more but he thought it was sooo adorable! I looked up to the sky after the rain died down and I seen the prettiest rainbow I have ever seen, So every time I see a rainbow I think about that day.
Evan and I are a year into the relationship now and everyday he amazes me more and more. It was storming one day and I wanted to play in the rain, so we went outside and attempted to play football but it was raining way too hard. All of a sudden this flash of lightning lit up the sky, and then it was followed by the roar of the thunder. I got scared and Evan ran to me and picked me up then ran with me in his arms all the way into the house! It was the cutest thing in the world to me because it was such a surprise. The feeling that he continues to give me just makes me feel like I’ve found my other half, I was just lucky enough to fall in love with my best friend , I hope one day I get too marry my high school sweetheart!

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