Brotherly Love | Teen Ink

Brotherly Love

October 31, 2014
By jack spence BRONZE, Montecello, Illinois
jack spence BRONZE, Montecello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My brother clenched his fisted, staring me down with the I’m - going - to - kill - you - look.

I took him down, but he was still coming for me. I yelled at him to stop; that never works though.
He sprinted after me; however, I moved out of the way and tripped him. BAM he smacked the ground

I yelled ‘’HULK SMASH” because when he gets really mad he just goes nuts, plus that makes him even madder. I took him down and punched him in the thigh right above the knee to dead leg him. That stops his leg from working for a minute and it hurts really bad. after that he was done fighting me. 5 minutes went by and we were all cool the rest of the day.

The author's comments:

that ithink brothers every where fight with each other

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