Profile | Teen Ink


October 31, 2014
By Anonymous

I live in california,  with my mom and my stepdad. I am 15 years old I have 4 brothers and a stepsister. When I was a baby my grandmother  always took care of me because  my  mom would have to work two jobs to pay rent and more, so she wouldn't have time to spend with me.
Since I was a kid I have never actually had a real relationship with my mom because she is too busy for me.
I lived in Pacoima , but then moved to San Fernando because my mom said it would be a better place for me. My mom said it would be a better place for me because I would be able to focus on the main things that I need to succeed in life.
     When I came to vaughn I was in 1st grade. I had no idea what anything was. It was like I didn't have any education at all. Vaughn is  a hard school to be in , the teachers are really strict and they require a lot from you. They teach you how to be mature adults and know how to speak in from of a class and in public. Additionally,to improve your communication skills with your parents so you have a better chance to get into college. 

          Challenges that I have faced are trying to understand school. I choose this  challenges because this was a difficult thing for me to improve.
I have overcome this challenge by starting to ask my teachers questions, when I need help or when I just need someone to verbally explain what we have o do.  I have increased my learning skills by by doing my homework and paying attention in class , because I want to succeed in life and go to college get a well paying job.
I plan on going to a community college because I like smaller schools, and it would be easier for me to communicate with the teacher. I dont know what i want to major in but, i have some suggestions in mind. I either want to be an engineer or a lawyer. I think I would like to be an engineer because i like cars and i like to build things. 
  This is the life of a Fantastic girl, who has struggled to understand education.

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