Fire on One Hand and Water on the other Hand | Teen Ink

Fire on One Hand and Water on the other Hand

October 20, 2014
By Anonymous

It's about me ripping my eyelid

Chapter 1: Fire on One Hand and Water on the other Hand

Fire on One Hand and Water on the other Hand

“Sigh,” I was getting off the blue and white bus, which was a stranger for me. I looked up and saw a gigantic blue building with dolphin drawings. It was my second kindergarten, where I expected no one would choke me with a fork like the last one. And, I wouldn’t let anyone do it, since I was so scared to get hurt. My hands were already wet like a pacific ocean.
My heart was beating so fast that I was able to feel my heart on my belly and tap dance to it maybe. I sighed again letting the airs change directions and walked in to my new kindergarten building. I actually loved the building, but I didn’t like the fact that I moved to a new kindergarten. In fact, I knew that this wasn’t going to be my kindergarten at all. After few weeks, I would be in a new kindergarten where I would be alone again. I never understood why my Mom kept moving me to a new kindergarten. But, I didn’t ask because I thought she wouldn’t listen to me and that she didn’t care about me.
“MOVE!” a boy interrupted my thoughts.
I tried to look back to see who was shouting, but as soon as I looked back I was being pushed by hundreds of kindergarteners, being forced to push the people in-front of me and to climb the high stone stairs which was like an Everest for me.

As I was being pushed up on the stairs, I had the clear visual of the darkest, and the creepiest nightmare ever of my miserable 6-year life.  However, everyone else was talking so loud about stupid things that didn’t matter to neither anyone nor me. The more I think about it, the groups of kindergarteners looked like a whole group of Chinese people (China has crazy amount of people) migrating to a different country.
I kept going up the never-ending stairs as my beggar in my stomach started to beg for food. I didn’t really know what floor my class was; I only knew that my class was the Chick room. I started to think that I should have gone to the office, but it was too late. 
“Whoa! I almost fell!” surprised a girl next to me.
And for a second I felt goose bumps on my arms.

“Run!” shouted a short boy who was dashing up the stairs pushing everyone. As I looked up to see the boy’s face, my two legs got tangled while being pushed, and for a second I lost my balance.
“THUMP!” I was so shocked that my hands were shaking and my mind went blank.
“Are you okay?” a girl in a pink dress asked me.
“Yes,” I got up on my feet and cleaned the dirt on my pants. It was weird, because I didn’t felt like I fell, but I felt like someone had stabbed me on my eye with a knife. However, I couldn’t stop going up the stairs, because there was another group of hyper kids waiting impatiently behind me.

When I finally arrived to my class in the 3rd floor, my new teacher was staring me looking curious and scared. She was a very tall and skinny teacher, who I had to look up to see her face.
“WHAT HAPPENED?” she asked me panicking. I looked around to see if she was talking to someone else, but all I saw was pure white tofu on each 5 tables. When I was about to say something to her, she grabbed me by my shoulder “dragging” me out of the class and she started to walk toward the Everest stairs grabbing my left hand. I was thinking; there is no way I’m going down the stairs again. But, I had no time to think; I was already going down the stairs, heavy breathing through my mouth.

“We need to go to the hospital!” my teacher was still panicking, when I had no idea what was going on.
“What is wrong?” a man in a black suit came out of an office, with dark shadows covering him.
“There is a cut on her eyelid!” she said, while looking at my eyes. The man walked toward me and gave me a white handkerchief from his fancy looking suit pocket. “Cover your eye with it,” he said.
My teacher was still squeezing orange juice from my left hand, and told me not to touch my eye. The three of us went down to the basement parking lot, on an elevator. The man left and came back with a growling black car, and he told us to get in quickly. I was pressing the bloody eye with the handkerchief. I tried to take it off, but my teacher didn’t let me.

As soon as we arrived to the mysterious looking hospital, they made me lay down on a bed that had 4 wheels and they dragged me into a room with shots, medicines, and medical equipment. All of the sudden a doctor wearing a blue pajama looking uniform came in and told me not to get scared, holding a shot.
He first cleaned my eyelid off with a rough cloth and started to stitch my eyelid with needles and I also had shots near my eye. I don’t remember if I had my eye open or not, but all I know is that it didn’t hurt, and I wasn’t feeling scared anymore. After the doctor finished his little surgery, I got up from the bed and I saw my Mom standing in front of my bed leaning against a wall with her head down, letting the shadow of her head cover her feet.
“Hey, Mom!”

“Do you want to come and spend a day with your daughter?” questioned the man in the black suit.
“Do you need help?” my Mom turned around to me and asked.
“I don’t know, is my injury that bad?” I asked still not sure what was wrong with me.

I went in my classroom with a tomato face, which was caused by going up and down the stairs (TWICE). I held my Mom’s hand tightly. Once again I felt shy and I didn’t like being stared by 20 pairs of eyes. I sat down on a chair where my teacher told me to, and my mom sat right next to me. My teacher gave me two papers, blue paints, and a roller, I had to put the blue paints on the roller and roll it down on a paper. It made a drawing of a blue face, it was cool, but I only had on eye to see it, because the doctor had put a cloth on my eye to cover the injury. My Mom helped me to press the roller and she helped me not to touch my eye.

When I arrived at my sweet house, I directly went to see Gold Grass, which was my fish that I loved. I felt most comfortable with Gold Grass, because he was the only one I could tell my secrets without feeling a bit of guiltiness. I gave him his foods and I swirled the water in his bowl, just for fun. Then, I went into the shower to wash, except my face. When I dried myself off and wore my new orange pajamas, my sister was home. She was talking to Mom about a girl who cried in her school, and then she looked back at me and walked toward me. She poked my covered eye, “Does it hurt?” she asked confidently.
“OW!” I cried out.
“Hehehe” she giggled with an evil smile on her face.
I quickly slapped my sister’s back and ran into my bedroom. I lied down on my heaven of softness and tried to make my two fingers touch each other’s tip, I couldn’t.
The next morning, I woke up and it was 9:00 a.m. Orange lights were coming in from outside. I ran out of my room and found my Mom in the kitchen. The smell of sweet chocolate made my heart sink. “I missed the bus!! I missed the bus!” I shouted with a little happiness in my voice. I was actually happy that I missed the bus.
“You can have a day off,” my Mom turned back to me and calmly told me. She handed me a plate of chocolate muffins, which I loved, and I sat down on the dining table and started eating them.
“How is your eye?” she asked sitting right in front of me.
“I don’t know,” I replied back with muffin crumbles on my face. My Mom gently took crumbles off my face. I could see the worry in her eyes; it was the first time ever seeing my Mom being worried.
“The muffins are delicious!” I told my mom smiling feeling a bit awkward.
My mom smiled back. She stood up and got new clothes for my eye and she changed the cloth on my eye. I felt the warmness of my mom and my new kindergarten didn’t matter to me anymore.
After the accident, my Mom worried about me a lot. She was trying to make me feel comfortable. And, it was the first time I ever felt like my mom cared about me.
About 2 weeks later, my eye was completely healed and I learned to be more careful in stairs. Also, it made me get less scare of a hospital, because I learned that I just don’t need to make a reason to go to the hospital. Last but not least, I learned that my mom loves me and she always wishes me the best. Which is the reason why my Mom kept finding for a new kindergarten for me.
P.S. After few months I moved into another kindergarten, where I stayed for 2 years and had not a single accident.

The author's comments:

This was for my school work


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