Positivity | Teen Ink


October 22, 2014
By Livvyp BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Livvyp BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear whom this may impact,
“I will not,” “I cannot,” and “never” should be demolished from everyone’s everyday vocabulary. Positivity plays a large role in my life due to my own experiences, in which have caused me to begin a different mindset on life.  With all the impacts that my own experiences brought into my life it changed me, and from those days forward I have carried positivity with me where ever I go in the hope that it will help others in some way.
As I walk swiftly down the hallway dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and Sperry’s, my hair lying pin straight on my shoulders, I hear many conversations going on. But some stick out like a sore thumb compared to others. As I smile talking to all my friends, I can’t help but to think of a select few phrases that always catch me off guard. The aromas of hundreds of kids, grades 9-12 fill the hallways. Many conversations are eaves dropped on by the passing peers. The stuffy noses and obnoxious kids fill the atmosphere at BHS. While walking down the hallway, negativity hits you like a brick wall. “I’m tired,” “I’m never going to understand,” I can’t stand her!” All these phrases can be heard, and as I hear them I mentally attempt to turn them into something positive. I always wish I could express to the others around me that by saying those things you are not only bringing yourself down, but all the others surrounding you. Being negative causes a domino effect on your days, and I know from my own past experiences.
Sophomore year I had classes with one of my dearest friends. She has quite a few hardships in her life, the biggest being losing her dad at age four. I began the year ecstatic knowing I was going to see her multiple times during the day. As the year progressed I began to get annoyed with her. Everyday brought something new to complain about. Whether it be a teacher she doesn’t like, our cross country coach that she despises, or whatever else it may be. It became draining and I began dreading the classes I had to go to with her. All of the comments began to make me feel like everything I did was becoming negative. I began to turn things very negative myself. Such as teachers, homework, and even the way I looked at myself. Her complaining and sour attitude rubbed off on my life like wet paint on your fingers. It antagonized me to complain a lot more instead of trying to find the flip side of things. It is hard to constantly listen to someone’s negativity because sometimes you unintentionally join in and it becomes annoying to everyone around you as well as yourself. After a while I finally hit my breaking point and became so frustrated, I knew changes had to be made. All of the negativity hit me like gravity pulls on Earth, all at once.
As the changes I made for myself took place, I began to have more patience, and enjoyed being with my friends, and it also motivated me to boost my grades as much as possible before it was too late and school ended. As time passed, it began to get easier to talk to her because with the positivity I incorporated to my life it gave me a better outlook on life and the new things that each day brings. It turned my days into being unbearable to believing that a little change in my attitude and trying my best would benefit me greatly because summer break was just around the corner and I did not want to end, school on such a dreadful note. With time and hard work I realized a little bit of positivity can go a long way in your life as well as influencing the people surrounding you. No one wants to be around a “Debbie downer,” so don’t be the person who hurts people more than helps them every day. Days get easier with a little change, and as for myself I enjoy everyday much more with carrying positivity with me. Although it may not be a typical tangible item or a heavy weight it still plays an important role in my life and influences all of the people involved in my life.

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