Storm | Teen Ink


October 3, 2014
By keharo BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
keharo BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pla-Mor Campground and Bremen had got a tremendous storm in 2012.  First, the sky got really Dull and a huge blast of wind blowing everywhere. The rain starts gushing  down really hard.  I don’t know why it happens… it just does. It was so horribly dangerous and huge it started flipping campers across the park. One camper even smashed a picnic table. Luckily no one was in the campers, but the bad thing it some of the owners  didn’t have insurance.

This storm was huge. It knocked down trees and flipped campers. My grandmother lives there is the barn house. She was outside when the sky turned black as space. She turned back around to go inside, then all of a sudden a tree was falling down. If she wasn’t inside, she could have gotten hurt. I was one of those tall pine trees, but with the pines all at the top.  My grandmother could have gotten hurt, and nobody would  have known because everybody was in the front of the park and inside the building. This storm was like nothing I have ever seen in my life. The rain was gushing so hard it flooded some of the fields wear campers would sit.

In conclusion, this storm was very scary to some people and dangerous since the campers flipped. Some of the people who camped at Pla-Mor Campground had tents. I am pretty sure my grandfather brought some people into the house down in the basement, so they don’t get hurt. Everybody was thankful no one hurt, but the people who didn’t have insurance were very disappointed.

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