how do you | Teen Ink

how do you

October 2, 2014
By Anonymous

How can you be happy around someone that you love that is not going to be here for much longer ? How can you try to not think about how they won't be in your life soon . How does someone even receive the the news that they only have several months to live . Bring around her is hard . Knowing that she's dying hurts . Everyone tells me to be happy while she's still here . But all I can do is think about how hard life will be without her here . It's hard to believe that one of the strongest people Is going to have to stop trying. She should live till she's one hundred . There's so many things I want to do with her , I want to be able to tell her how I feel but I can barely look at her with out getting upset . I just can't picture my life without her . How do you live knowing one of the most important people in your life is dying from cancer and there's nothing you or anyone else can do . I feel so helpless , so small .  

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