My Uniform | Teen Ink

My Uniform

September 23, 2014
By SuccessWriter1516 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
SuccessWriter1516 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Uniform. Physical? Or Spiritual? Physical, i dress as anyone would. Pants, t-shirt, hoodie. But spiritual? Is it how i live? Well, i am a writer, and i wish to be a successful one. i bet they have uniform, as in how they live. But i also wish to be a singer, and make and write my own songs. i wish to put it on youtube and Itunes and make money along with my books. I wish to be famous and not be like most celebrities. So what is my true uniform? what is my creativity level? As one of 15, have a peach tea addiction, and a creativity level, and voice so big that i don't know my own lifestyle? and what about the maybe's in jobs? Will i do them? Teaching, starting a business, or preaching. They aren't the definites of writing and singing and song making.

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