Susan | Teen Ink


September 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I interviewed Susan Margaret Llamas on her ideal thought of the American dream. At first I thought that I might be nervous and a little overwhelmed since I had asked her questions that she needed to think about. I had an idea of what I had prepared for when talking to her and ask her right questions and not just wasting her time with questions that give me a yes or no answer. The only reason I was a little a easy was that I had a friend with me when interview Mrs.Llamas, Emma. I was glad I knew that Mrs. Llamas had time in her busy schedule. She listens and answer our questions to her best abilities.

When asked what was her American dream ask a child she said “To live a comfortable life”. As the interview went on we learned how education has changed since it was more a structure program where they all taught the same thing and they didn't have one on one education. I asked poorly if her parents has inspired her to follow her dreams and she said no that all she wanted was a family, a home, and most importantly a great education for herself and her children. She wanted to be educated, she was 16 when she is married and became a stay at home mom since she knew that her friends were living the high school experience while so was wasting the best years of her life. She also touched on the subject of illegal immigrants that come here to have an American dream and the struggle to have a safe environment to raise a family. In the end she believed that education is the key to achieve the American dream.

After hearing her life story she has taught me that education is the key to help you achieve your American dream. That they can’t stop you from learning and open more opportunities for yourself so you can advance in life and not be limited since your education did go far. Know that I think about it, I have done one thing right, I am taking one college course so I have some credits going into college. I took what she said and compared it to my life and noticed that both want an education, have a comfortable life and have a family. I was glad I interview Mrs.Llamas and enjoyed hearing about her life and experience, so far I sad that I could interview my grandpa when he was still here with us. But still happy to learn something new from a person with more knowledge about life.

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