My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

September 8, 2014
By PrincessAlondra16 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
PrincessAlondra16 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be happy.

My grandma is someone I look up to for many reasons. She always gives me advice on what is right, she helps me to be a better person, and she helps many people, even strangers out of the kindness in her heart. She always says to me, “Do what makes you happy and don’t worry what anyone else has to say”. This is why she is my hero.

Since, the start of her life she has had it rough. Growing up with 9 other siblings in the house made it hard for her mom to help her with school work, let alone have time for her at all. She was alone and, made decisions on her own. At 15, she had gotten pregnant with her soon to be first husband. Back then you weren’t able to go to school while you were pregnant like we can now a days, so she had to stay home. Tutors would come over everyday to teach her what she was missing in school. When, she gave birth to her first son John, she immediately gave him up for adoption and went back to school smarter than ever. The tutors really helped her with things her mom couldn’t help her with.


My Grandmother is a victim of abuse from her first husband, which she divorced 8 years ago. When, she had gotten married and started a family, it wasn’t easy. After, her first son she had given birth to my mom and then my aunt. She shortly after, gave birth to a stillborn, a set of twins who had died. And another set which one had died but the other one had lived 8 short years being handicapped, and then later on, he had also died. Raising her two daughters in a house with an abusive husband was something that was ignored. It  took her about 40 years after, her kids were 18 to finally call it quits.  


Being an alcoholic was also something she had to live with. Being a recovering alcoholic is hard work. She always knew she had a problem, but never addressed it. When, she was divorced and living on her own, she met a man who she had known since the 6th grade. She has told me stories of how she always had a crush on him, but he would never notice her. The average love story! It was after they had moved in together that she had decided to make a change and not live in the past anymore. She started going to AA meetings and going to the gym. who would of thought she would still be so active at her age!


Gardening is her thing. She finds comfort in it, and its beautiful. Her whole yard is covered in different colors and types of flowers. Blues, greens, purples. She even grows her own vegetables like zucchini, broccoli, and tomatoes and, fruits like strawberries and blueberries. She is very talented. She loves music and playing the piano. She never burdens others with her problems but, instead listens to others problems and gives them advice kind of like a therapist.


She is around 5’7 and has sky blue eyes. She works in Lake Forest as a cosmetologist and all of her customers absolutely adore her. They always give her gifts, or she always gives them gifts. Shes great at what she does, and it comes in handy once in a while!


From growing up on her own and going through the struggles she has, im sure she wouldn't want to have had it any other way. It made her the strong women she is today. Although, we dont always meet eye to eye, im grateful to have her in my life and steer me the right direction. I truly don't know what I would be doing without her right now. This is why my grandma is my hero.   


The author's comments:

This is close to heart

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