My House Fire Experience | Teen Ink

My House Fire Experience

August 6, 2014
By Acolon16 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Acolon16 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You’ve got to have fun on the court. If you ain’t having fun, then basketball ain’t fun.” - Carmelo Anthony

My name is Anthony and my scariest moment as a kid was when I was 9 to 10 years old my mom and family had lived in a house on 67 Delevan st and it was Easter and Me and my family had gone to some relatives house for dinner and when we got back are house was caught on fire my mom tried running in the house I don’t know why but as I watched are house and memories fade and all the people watch the house burn down the fire alarm had soon went off and the firefighters had spoke to us about what could of caused it. My mom told them that everything was off in the house and she was just as clueless as the rest of us. We lost a lot of memorable stuff in the house a lot of my mother’s lifetime savings like painting and pictures. For me to this day I don’t celebrate Easter every year it comes around I just pretend that its another day of my life its had a huge effect on me because growing up through the age of 1 to 9 it was just me and my mother, im always interested to looking back at pictures and old memories even when I wasn’t born and that fire on 67 Delevan street took not only that from me but all of my baby pictures all of everything I owned. The thing that affected me the most was watching my mom for the next week or so just go through a lot of depression and emotion. To this day it still does stay with us but it was almost 6 years ago now and I have a baby brother now whose 5 turning 6 and we all have new memories. Its almost like it never happened when I bring it up with my sister we just try to remember the little details from that day like what we did and I still remember driving into the drive way hearing the fire alarm and as we got out of the car fire just burst out the windows and my mom just panicked after the whole thing was done I had talked to my friends who lived across the street and they said are fire alarm had been going off for almost 2 hours. It’s still unknown to this day why are house caught on fire I still have the newspaper from the next day of are house caught on fire. We still ask are mom about the fire on a vacation or when its just me and her to this day she still doesn’t know she doesn’t like to talk about it much so we don’t bring it up anymore but it still is strange and mysterious thinking about it. This is probably one of the scariest things that have happened to my family and me. Lessoned learned form this is that the little things in life aren’t big until their gone.

The author's comments:
it was Tragic not only for me but my family.

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