Scary Situations | Teen Ink

Scary Situations

August 6, 2014
By Lbellnier BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Lbellnier BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What goes around, comes around. <br /> You never know what you have until it&#039;s gone.

So many people have experienced horror or shocking events in their lifetime at least once. Some have seen horrible car crashes, some have been in horrible car crashes but I saw horror when I was babysitting my cousin Bryce and his 2 older twin brothers.
I was sitting at my dinning room table feeding Bryce cut up hot dogs for lunch when I heard him start coughing but I didn’t think anything of it until I tried to feed him another hot dog and he wouldn’t eat it. Then he started coughing again and I realized he was chocking. I knew right away what I had to do and that was give him the Heimlich Maneuver but I had never done that before so I was scared, but I knew to save his life I had to do it. With shaking hands I put on hand on his stomach and another hand on his back and I gave him the Heimlich maneuver and he coughed up the hot dog and I saved my cousin’s life. I refused to feed him hot dogs again that day so instead I fed him yogurt and then took the boys to the playground, but the horror doesn’t end there because when I got to the playground and I pushed Gavin on the swing (Gavin is one of the twins his twin is Paytin). He loves it when I give him underdogs which is just basically when I push him and the run underneath him. I gave him and underdog and then I went and put Bryce and Paytin on the swing. I gave Paytin an underdog and then I went back and gave Gavin another one because he was slowing down. I ran underneath him and he fell backwards off of the swing. I ran over and picked him up and he wiped the dirt off of his back and I took them home and let them play video games for the rest of the day.
As you can see, many people have experienced horror or shocking events in their lifetime at least once and those were my horrifying events while babysitting. Remember babysitting is a BIG responsibility so make sure you pay attention to every little thing, make sure the kids are happy and make sure if they ever get hurt they get the proper attention needed to take care of them.

The author's comments:
I hope people will do their very best at babysitting, because things don't always go as planned.

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