That One | Teen Ink

That One

June 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Everyone knows that one person that they are close to that smokes. I don’t care who you are you have that one person and these people made the choice to smoke. You may not realize it but just by hanging out with them you are smoking two even if you do not physically put the cigarette in your mouth. The smoke you are breathing in is called second hand smoke and it is much more dangerous because it doesn’t go through a filter. The filter helps to take out some of the toxic chemicals in the cigarette. Before someone chooses to take this risk of smoking, they should think how is this going to affect me and the people around me, is this actually going to benefit me, or anyone else. There are many reasons that people smoke but the effects are always the same and they are not good. Smoking is an extremely dangerous habit; it leads to addiction and many diseases such as cancer, do not think that it will not happen to you because it will.

Commercials put out by cigarette companies are very one sided, they only focus on how smoking makes you cool. There are never saying how unhealthy it is to smoke or to hang out with people who smoke. One example is that they never show how the nicotine levels in cigarettes leads to addiction. When one inhales the smoke from a cigarette they will want the need for another one, and another, and another, and another... When someone smokes on the regular basis they become addicted and when they do not have a cigarette they become moody, grouch and short tempered. These moods will last until they have another smoke. There body gets the sensation of being relaxed, but what is really happening is you're destroying your body even more, you are piling up more and more tar in your lungs. The younger you are when you get addicted the harder it is to break the addiction, yet there are always people who quit smoking and people who try and are unsuccessful.

If you are that person that smokes, put down that cigarette, collect all of the ones you own and throw them in the trash. The only way to quit smoking is to just stop. You can't just say you will have just one, the addiction is always too much and once you have one you will go back for another. If you are not the smoker make that one family member, friend, or co-worker realize how bad it is for them and everyone around them. If you see someone smoking tell them to stop, or tell them not around here, sometimes the only thing someone needs to quit is for someone to tell them.

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