This I believe | Teen Ink

This I believe

June 2, 2014
By Briannakaye BRONZE, Everson, Washington
Briannakaye BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that no matter where you go or what you do in life, you should always be exactly who you are. Life is a funny thing sometimes and most of the time you will probably have no idea who you are or who you’re supposed to be. It may take your entire life to figure it out. But if you spend your whole life letting others define you and shape you into who they want you to be, you’ll wake up one day and realize you lost who you are a long time ago. Society is always going to push you to be better, smarter, prettier, skinnier, wealthier, and greater than everyone else.
My mom is one of the best examples for me for being who you want to be. She almost always speaks her mind and tells people what she’s thinking or what she wants to do. She hasn’t let society or anyone else tell her who she needs to be. Because of her I’ve realized you won’t make society happy by trying to be what they want you to be. My whole life I’ve been put into a mold that has made me feel like if I’m not perfect I won’t be good enough for anyone. Now I realized as long as you find what makes you happy and who makes you happy, you don’t need anything else. Society is never going to be happy because no matter what you do it’ll never be enough. There’s absolutely no way to please everyone or be perfect for everyone. I’ve learned that finding out what actually makes you happy is a long process. It doesn’t happen overnight, or even in a week, or a month.
I find it funny how many times I’ve been told by someone to “be who you are” and yet those are the same people who want you to change and fit into their mold of a perfect daughter, or friend, or student, or sister. There will always be those people who want you to act a certain way for them. But don’t do it. It’s not worth losing yourself just to make someone else happy.
In a way though, it takes those people trying to define you and shape you, before you realize who you actually are. For me, if I didn’t have other people pushing me to be a certain way or be something I’m not I would never know what actually makes me happy. I want to be the kind of person that can decide who I am and be perfectly happy about it. I want to base my life on my experiences and what I’ve been through to shape who I am. This I believe.

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