Different From The Rest | Teen Ink

Different From The Rest

June 2, 2014
By Haley Westbrook SILVER, Ofallon, Missouri
Haley Westbrook SILVER, Ofallon, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in the car, heart beating fast. Waiting for something I didn’t think was going to happen. My text sent, saying “I’m here.” Thoughts rush. What if he didn’t like me? What if I don’t look good enough? What if he doesn’t even show up? Looking down at my phone, I hear a knock on the window. I look up with a scared look on my face. There he was, smiling down at me. My heart fell to my stomach, my hands beginning to get clammy.

I got out of my car, I didnt ever notice how tall he actually was. He was like a skyscraper to me. Standing six foot five inches. I walked towards him as he gave me a hug. The first time I have gotten butterflies in a while. We walked up to the doors of Steak n Shake, as he opened the door. I start to think to myself, “I have never had someone open the door for me before.” I walk in front of him, as I say thank you.

We sat in a booth for two, and catch up on everything we have missed over the two years that we hadn’t talked. I am usually not very shy, but that night I was quiet as a mouse. I didnt want to say the wrong thing to make him not like me. He kept talking and talking about stuff that was totally random, but I liked it. I actually liked it a lot. His piercing green eyes looking at me, with a smile that lit up the whole restaurant, I started to feel comfortable. We talked, and laughed for hours.

As the night grew old, we decided to go back to our houses, and we agreed to hangout the following Sunday afternoon. He walked me to my car, I gave him one last hug, looked up at him, as he kissed me. Something just felt right. After the kiss, we both smiled at eachother, then he said, “Text me when you get home!” We both got into our cars, and left. The whole way home I was smiling, and singing. It was the happiest I had been in a long time.

As time goes on, I fall for the boy I went on a date with that night more and more. I have never had someone who can accept my past, and help me learn from it every day. Someone who is so gentle because he knows what it is like to go through bad things, and rough times. He has changed my outlook on life. I hug him, and still get butterflies in my stomach. He lets me know how much I mean to him, and shows me also. He has taught me a lot since that night at Steak n Shake, he has shown me that all guys aren’t the same, and honestly, I dont think I could be happier.

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