Missing Camera | Teen Ink

Missing Camera

June 19, 2014
By Anonymous

Last year, my friends and I were dropped off at a park to take pictures. We explored the park and took tons of pictures with my friends new camera. While we sat down, my friend left her camera on the ground a little far away from where we were sitting. We got up to go walk around and noticed the camera was gone after a group of teens ran by laughing. My friend and I went to go look for them, while the other two stayed back to call their mom. After about ten minutes of walking, we came across the group of teens that looked only a few years older than us. I politely asked them if they had seen my friends camera when all they did was laugh and looked at each other while one girl giggled and said "No." Their reaction was very suspicious so we called the other two. "Follow them!" my friend screamed. It wasn't the smartest idea, but my friend and i began to follow the group hoping they wouldnt notice. I noticed a girl with the black camera bag inside her bag so we kept following. Once they started walking up a rocky hill the girl noticed us behind them unfortunately. She told us to stop following so we waited at the bottom for our friends and her mom. They came a few minutes after a long with a cop. The cop ran up the hill to check their bags. We waited as the police officer was up the hill out of our sight for about 10 minutes. The police officer finally came down with the teens holding a bag. He informed us that the camera was not found, he said they may have thrown it into the woods or a lake. They were still in tons of trouble because the cop had found drugs inside their bags. If they hadn't acted so suspicious, they wouldn't have gotten in trouble for something way worse.

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