The Thought That Counts | Teen Ink

The Thought That Counts

May 29, 2014
By 186559 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
186559 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I would have to choose the best gift I've ever received so far I would have to choose my Wii I got in 2008. I had woken up earlier than I should have and raced down to the living room, where the Christmas tree was, and started looking through the gifts to see which ones were labeled with my name. I would always shake the gifts (which wouldn't be the best idea when it comes to breakable gifts) to try and figure out what the contents inside the brightly colored wrapped box were. After what felt like an eternity my parents finally woke up and I could open my gifts. I had already taken out everything in my stocking which mainly consisted of candy which I ate a lot of to keep my self occupied. I tore through the gifts like a lion, tossing wrapping paper everywhere. I got what you might expect: toys, a few clothes, a book or two, etc… But there was one thing missing, a Wii the one thing I wanted the most.
Have you ever seen “the Christmas Story”? Well in this movie the main character wants a “red rider bb-gun” more than anything for christmas. Everyone tells him that it would be to dangerous and that he would “shoot his eye out”. By the time christmas came around he had gotten all his gifts and still didn’t get the bb-gun and was feeling pretty bummed out. Then his dad says “hey what’s that over there? Why don’t you go check it out” to him and he finds another gift with his name on it. He tears it open and finds a “red rider bb-gun”. You may think “what does this have to do with the story?” and well keep reading and find out.
Well when I was done with my gifts I was feeling a bit bummed out as well, because I hadn’t gotten the big thing I had so badly wanted. Then my parents said “wait aren’t we forgetting something?” Then my dad went into the other room and brought out a red and green wrapped present a bit smaller than me at the time and set it down right in front of me. I looked at it puzzled at first and then I ripped it open and found the logo of the Wii on a huge box jumping out at me. I was literally speechless for a good while afterwards. So I think I chose this as my best gift I have received so far not because of what it was, but because of how it was given to me. This is a moment that I will never forget throughout my entire life.

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