The Best Place, Canada | Teen Ink

The Best Place, Canada

May 20, 2014
By Yaesung BRONZE, Chiangmai, Other
Yaesung BRONZE, Chiangmai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The most interesting experiences in my whole life were all in Canada which is a very big part of my life. I was eleven years old. I was living in Vancouver, Canada. I lived in a house that was made of three floors and I never lived in the house with many floors which made me very excited. There were very few houses in the town I lived. The town was very silent without a sound. I went to the local school in second grade. The school life was very peaceful, calm and very normal. There was no studying just like every second graders do, and lots of sports and playing in playground with friends filled most of my school life.

I loved the winter in Canada because I was so addicted to the pleasure playing with snow. Whenever there was snow, I busted out of the house and ran in to the snow. In the region I lived, in winter, when there was lots snowing, the snow stacked up to my waist. I jumped on the snow and I was literally in the snow. I loved the feeling of snow covering my skins, the coldness changing my whole body to red skin. When I returned home, my whole hand and face was red like a carrot. There is always a aftermath after playing extreme in the extreme cold, I got very sick often in the winter because I didn’t care whether I was sick or not; I had to play and play every day! My parents couldn’t stop me from loving snow so much.

Few minutes away with a car from my house, there was a vast park with a lake. The lake was so big that it felt like ocean. I couldn’t see the ending of the lake and the trees around it were so beautiful so that I loved being there. The whole park was filled with greenish color and fresh air. And there was a place for fishing. Lots of people fished there. A person was standing there. He checked the fish people caught and checked the size of them. If the fish was smaller than a certain limit, they had to let them free again to keep the population of fish. I felt that they were very intelligent and it was very acceptable. One day I and my family went to the park to fish. There were lots of crabs caught also. So we usually went for crabs. They were very delicious. After getting them we took them home and my mom cooked it for us and my whole family love it so much that we went for fishing so many times. The white flesh of crab and the yellowish-orange egg of female crab which looked little like poop were so sweet and favorable. To fish the crab, we used a box with a hole for a crab to go in. We put a meat into the box and threw it in to the deep water and after like twenty minutes, we pulled it up and tens of crabs were caught inside the box unable to get out of the box. And one day, I was too young to fish by my own but I tried to fish a fish with the fishing pole and I didn’t even use any bait. When I pulled up the lane, there was a tiny fish.

“Mom!! I got a fish!!” I shouted.
“What? How did you catch the fish without any bait?” Wondered my mom.

“I don’t know it just came up with my fishing pole!” I was so happy and surprised that I caught a fish. But it was so small that I let it free. These were one of my favorite stories to tell now days.

One of the best memories in Canada is about the skating. There was a very big skating center 5 minutes away from our home. Our family enjoyed very much going for skating. It was very fun. I loved to skate since I was very young so when I knew that I can skate every day, I almost flew to the sky that I jumped so much. We went for skating a lot like three times in a week. I can’t forget the feeling of coldness inside the center. Skating in my highest speed around the center, sliding down to ice was my favorite thing to do there. After skating for like hours, my all faces got red and my mom always covered me with warm cotton which made my face very hot.

In Canada, I had lots of experiences which is very precious to me and those that I can’t never forget for my whole life. They are very valuable to me and I loved living in the Canada. Fishing, eating crabs, skating, and the park are so familiar to me. I wish to go back there anytime and I would go there if I have any chance to go back.

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