My First Adventure Alone | Teen Ink

My First Adventure Alone

May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

I remember my first time away from home and my family. It was for two weeks at the best camp ever. It was June 9th, the day I had been looking forward to for months. Every night endless thoughts crowded my head, like would I recognize anyone from school? Would I fit in? Will my cabin mates like me? Did I even want to go? Of course I did, I was just nervous. Before I knew it, I was tying up my grey converse, putting my bag in the car, and pulling out of our driveway and onto the road with my parents.

It was a short drive, about an hour or so, but it felt like forever. I tried to occupy myself by drumming relentlessly on the back of the passenger seat, but it did no use. My stomach lurched in excitement every time I even though about camp. My dad turned on the radio to tune me out, but I only began to hum along with the song playing. I couldn't help myself; two weeks away from chores, annoying siblings and parents, that sounded like heaven to me. Pulling off the highway and onto an old dirt road, our car bumped and bounced while passing over the endless number of potholes. I looked past the passenger seat and saw a tall climbing tower in the distance, next to a giant grass field and huge white tent that spelled out "registration". Our car was guided into a parking spot and as I climbed out, the hot sun began to bake my skin and the smell of pines rushed to my nose and I took a deep breath. I was completely zoned out, taking in the beautiful scenery, when a counselor popped up into my face and greeted me with a high, excited voice. "Hi! My name is Alex, and welcome to camp!" "Thanks," I replied nervously. Alex opened the trunk to our car and grabbed my overflowing duffle bag of clothes, throwing them into a dusty red pick-up truck passing by. "Don't worry," Alex began. "We'll have your stuff delivered straight to your cabin. Now will you and your parents please check in at the white tent? Thanks, and have a great time!" We did as instructed, and crossed the main road to the outer edge of the camp. Adrenaline was pumping through my body, my pace quickening, breath getting heavy. My parents struggled to keep up as I ushered them to the tent. Signs pointed out where to check in under the tent, alphabetically by last name. The people sitting at the long row of wooden tables greeted us and gave me a name tag, while reviewing important contact information with my parents. They wouldn't need to do that though, I was staying the whole two weeks, no matter what. "You are in Cabin 16, with two counselors and seven other cabin mates," a man said. I began to walk across the giant lawn and to the edge of the woods, where my cabin was. I turned, hugged my parents goodbye, and continued on to climb up the steps and open the old creaky door. I waved one last time, reassuring my mom and dad that I would be fine, and went inside. Greeted by nine other soon-to-be best friends, I knew I would love my stay at camp, and have the best two weeks of my life on my first adventure alone.

The author's comments:
This story is about my first time going away to camp for two weeks. Although I was very nervous, in the end I had the time of my life.

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