Don't Touch the Lava | Teen Ink

Don't Touch the Lava

May 8, 2014
By Jacob Leveling BRONZE, Columbia, Illinois
Jacob Leveling BRONZE, Columbia, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rules were simple; don’t touch the grass because the grass was the lava. The objective of the game was to carry the brick up the fort, down the slide, and to the finish line. My brothers couldn’t resist a challenge, so they decided to play. My brothers and I aligned our feet with the edge of our house. I looked at my brothers and quickly discussed the hand gesture I would use to signal the start of the race. I raised my left hand up preparing my brothers for the game. I let my hand fall signaling my brothers to go. We began expeditiously maneuvering our way around the yard with a brick in our hands. I reached the fort first and quickly climbed up. I slid down our bright yellow slide and ran to the finish line near our green hose. I heard a girl-like scream from behind me. I turned my head slightly to find a reddish colored object near my face.

Everything stopped. My head began to throb along with my entire body. I could feel my blood quickly rush throughout my body. Suddenly, everything fell silent. The sound of my rapidly beating heart had filled my ears. My body suddenly felt lighter and more agile. The temperature rapidly went from bearable to unbearable. Sweat instantly developed across my entire body. The smell of grass became more distinct as it had just been cut the day before. A thousand thoughts began racing through my mind. At that moment, I realized adrenaline had kicked in. I decided to brace for impact as it was most likely inevitable. I shifted my feet, closed my eyes, and turned away from the deadly object.

Smack, the brick had hit me. I immediately dropped to the ground out of instinct. I began to scream and cry not because I had felt any pain, but because I had realized what had just happened. My head began to throb even more. I began feeling a cold sensation on the upper portion of my head. The feeling of a raindrop felt similar, but this had been somewhat thicker than a raindrop. I felt it slowly ooze across my head down to my chin. The dark red droplet became heavy and soon began to drip onto my arm. Immediately, I began to feel around the back of my head, for what I expected to be, a gaping hole. Pain shot across my body as I had found the sweet spot on the back of my head.

I panicked and ran towards the garage door. Once inside, I sprinted towards the bathroom screaming for my parents. I looked in the mirror at a somewhat recognizable figure. I immediately noticed my red colored hair along with my pain stricken face . My parents immediately rushed in and assessed the situation. The hospital was the only way to ensure my survival.

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