Don't Lose | Teen Ink

Don't Lose

April 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Work out your arms on Monday and get some shots up; work out your legs on Tuesday and run some laps to condition; don’t sit down at all; drink water when you’re in the sun; soak in an ice bath after the workout; when dribbling the basketball, make sure you are looking up, because that way someone won’t steal the ball away from you; soak in the bath before you go to bed; Is it true that you take no shots in the game? Always shoot with your elbow in; On game day try to walk with confidence and not like the loser you are so bent on becoming; don’t forget to shoot in the game; you must not commit turnovers, not even when you are stuck; don’t show weakness – the opponents will come at you; but I do take shots in the game and always at practice; this is how to dribble; this is how to pass when you are being guarded and so to prevent having a turn over and looking like a loser you are so bent on becoming; This is how you shoot so the ball goes towards the basket; this is how you shoot so the ball goes in the basket; this is how you gain endurance – run 5 miles a day, because you need to be in shape; when running, make sure to keep hydrated or else you will be dehydrated; this is how you stretch your arms; this is how you stretch your legs; this is how to show confidence to a teammate; this is how you show confidence to an opponent; this is how you show confidence to me; this is how you act like a captain; this is how you become a captain; this is how you are the captain; this is how you give effort; this is how you give your heart; this is how to behave like a winner in the presence of opponents who don’t know you well, and this way they won’t recognize immediately the loser I have warned you against becoming; be sure to practice every day, even if the lights are out in the gym; don’t give up – you are not a quitter, you know; don’t pick a fight – you will get kicked out; don’t give up an open shot, because it might be your last shot; this is how to dribble low; this is how to dribble high; this is how to dribble on a fast break down the court; this is how to catch a pass; this is how to throw the pass back if you don’t want it, and that way you won’t turn the ball over; this is how to stand up for yourself; this is how to stand up for others; this is how to love this sport, and if this doesn’t work there are other sports, and if they don’t work don’t feel too bad about giving up; this is how to choke in a game-winning opportunity, and this is how to win in a game-winning opportunity; this is how to be a basketball player; always give your best effort; but what if my best isn’t good enough?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of player who won’t give 110% every day?

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