I Am Who I Am | Teen Ink

I Am Who I Am

April 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Why do people feel the need to ask me why I am depressed? If I knew, then I wouldn’t be so miserable all the time now would I? There are a countless number of reasons that could explain to somebody why I am so incredibly down all the time. I live in a very harsh environment with people going through similar problems as me. I am a teenager, so naturally I constantly feel the pressure to fit in, make friends, dress a certain way and look a certain way. There is constant pressure from the adults in my life to do well in school so I can go to a top University, and land a job where I make an exceptional amount of money. As a young woman, there is a tremendous amount of pressure to look like those girls on the cover of all the magazines. To land a date with the hottest guy in our grade, and make friends with the most popular girls in school. The farther someone is from reaching these standards, the more self-conscious and painful it is to continue to leading the life that doesn’t seem at all worth living. I experience these kinds of pressures in a way that may not be the same as the next person. Although some people classify me as a smart, beautiful, empathetic, and passionate person with lots of friends; the reality of it all is that I am somebody that my friends always seem to take advantage of. I may get good grades, but in reality I am not at all book smart, and I wouldn’t have an 86% overall average if it wasn’t for my ability to bullshit all kinds of information on the spot. On top of it all, I have to come home to a very unstable mother and sister; I don’t know what I would do if my Dad one day just falls into a dark place the way we have. I lead a life filled with stressed, pressure, and really hard to handle moments. In this world, people like me are easily judged based on who we are and what we feel. Some people even feel the need to classify a person’s pain on a scale from one to ten; but, who are they to tell me where I stand. Everyone’s pain, regardless of how big or small, is number ten on the scale because it is proving to have the ability to make somebody feel depressed and alone. This is why, whenever somebody asks me why I am depressed, I say: I am who I am.

The author's comments:
My way of relieving some of my pain is to write it all out.

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