A Normal School Day Went Wrong | Teen Ink

A Normal School Day Went Wrong

April 16, 2014
By Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a normal Monday night, I wake up thirty minutes after my alarm rings. That makes it twenty minutes for me to take a shower, eat and run to school. I run to school because I live exactly one point five miles from my school. It doesn’t affect me if I’m five to ten minutes late because I have weight training. They give us at least ten minutes to get dressed and be ready in the gym. As I enter into the weight room, I already know what were going to do. We’re going to do five sets of five of incline, squats, and power cleans.

After weights I have to get dressed faster then everybody else because my class is all the way on the other side of school. And I know there will be traffic on the way. Kids with classes nearby like to stand around and talk about life. But I don’t have time for that. As second hour starts, I pledge allegiance and watch the Hawk News to start the class. After that I space out and try to get some rest because of working hard in weights. Then toward the last twenty minutes of class, I would ask the student next to me what we are doing and do that.

After that class we have Hawk Time. It’s about thirty minutes of free time to catch up on our work from any class. But we have to have our planners stamped from the other teachers in order to go to their class. But I don’t have a stamp, so I have to stay and work on finishing this vocabulary assignment for civics. After hawk time I have my favorite class which is construction.

In my construction class I get to leave the school to go to a construction site about four or five miles from my school. There we get dressed and get ready to work. But something was different. I heard two students yelling and a couple of students laughing really loud. Then when I heard a student cry out loud, I left the garage and saw one student was holding his leg and yelling while the other looked afraid. When we told the student to move his leg, he couldn’t. So then he pulled up his jeans and we saw a bone sticking out of his skin on the lower part of his leg. I didn’t want to look at it because it was my first time seeing a broken leg. I thought he was playing a trick on us because he’s the class clown. This situation got real serious really fast.

Our teacher came and asked what had happened. We told him that two students were wrestling and one broke his leg. They weren’t trying to hurt each other because they were playing around. The teacher called the paramedic and the Pasco School District head office. They made us write statement letters, and we didn’t have to work that day. It was funny because when the student with the broken leg left, he said that his parents were going to kill him. He said that because he’s already had been in a hospital for his shoulder and his parents had to pay big money. The student that broke the other student’s leg was suspended for two days.

As days went on we didn’t see the student with the leg broken at all. Our teacher said that he got dropped out of the class. I saw him a week later and he said he has cooking instead, and he would miss construction class. The student that broke his leg came back to construction and wasn’t really punished because it was an accident and nobody thought the leg was going to brake. From that day on, nobody has messed around in construction class.

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