Moving | Teen Ink


April 15, 2014
By wayne shirley BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
wayne shirley BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey, Wayne how do you feel about moving again?
Ah, mom, please don’t tell me that we have to move already.
Yes, were moving again.
Why?! We just got settled here.
That’s just how it has to be with your dad in the military.
We can’t extend our time here any longer?
No, the military says we have to go.
Wouldn’t we be saving them time and money if we were to stay here?
Yes, but they’re telling us we have to go so we are.
Well where are we going?
It’s not official, but we’re either moving to Kansas or California.
Ooh! Let’s Go to California. It has nice weather all year round!
We don’t get to decide where we’re going; the military will most likely send us to Kansas cause that’s where they need your dad to go.
Never mind. I don’t want to move if we don’t get to go somewhere nice. Plus there’s nothing to do in Kansas and summer conditioning camp for fall sports is coming up soon and they want me to come to it.
Well it doesn’t look like you will be able to make it to that conditioning camp.
Why not?
Our move is scheduled for early summer so we can find a house and not spend Christmas in a hotel. We also need to get you guys enrolled in school.
But mom that means I’ll get a short summer because the different schedule our school is on.
Yes, we know that.

Well what am I supposed to with the rest of my summer break?
When we fly into Atlanta we’re going to stop by and see your Great Uncle.
Alright, cool.

Then we’ll drive down to South Carolina and see your entire family on your dad’s side and your Aunt and Grandma on my side.
Then we’ll stop by Grandpas and drive down to Kansas and you can start making friends there.
Fine, but I hate all of this moving stuff. Am I at least going to finish high school here?
We never know how long we’ll be in one place, but we’re going to try to get you and your brother through high school before we move.

What can you guys do to make us stay wherever we end up going longer?
By the time we’re done, you will be a senior and the army will let us stay so you can graduate.

I hope that we’ll be able to stay until I graduate, moving senior year would suck.
It’s never a one hundred percent chance that we’ll stay anywhere, but the army will most likely let us stay so you can at least finish high school.

Okay, well I guess that some what helps the situation for me.
Yes, you’re right. It will be easier on you and your brother knowing you’ll be able to stay here and graduate.

Yep. Is that all?
Yeah, we just wanted to give you a heads up, and if you want you can tell your brothers and sisters.

Okay mom.

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