Does She Remember? | Teen Ink

Does She Remember?

April 3, 2014
By JamesEP BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
JamesEP BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her blue eyes rain down upon skies. For the first time I finally felt what it meant to be hurt. She was being taken from me. Texting to her frantically, there was nothing else for me to do. She was leaving. I still believe to this day I never got a fair end with this girl. She was taken into the foster care and there was nothing to do. I was but a mere middle school student when she left. It has been four years since that day in 8th grade. Now as a senior I thought I had accepted the idea of never seeing her again. The last I even heard from her I heard was that she was going to a correctional institute. She said she would write but I never got a letter.
The mourning though may end but the feeling still remains. She was my very first love and I still felt that way. But every time I try to cut my feelings the memories would just come rushing back. It was a never ending story, I could never just say goodbye. My friends always found me “acting like a girl” about the situation. The memories of the two years I spent with her would bring a tear to my eye. Not only do I miss her but I miss what we had shared. It was just a simple innocent and childish relationship with no stress or pressure. I still hoped to be able to see her again, and I did.
For a week now I had been thinking of it all. And I thought, I’m 17 now, I need to finally give it up and become an adult. Then she came back. I walked in the hallways of my high school to the front of the school in nothing but a rush. I had 10 minutes to turn in a school paper and I wasn’t about to take a late grade on all the hard work I put into it. Running through the halls I saw her gentle face. I felt like I was in a dream, like I was watching an old flashback from my childhood. She looked no different than the day I last saw her. A simple graced about her face, exactly how I remember it. I grinned from ear to ear with my dorky smile, it was her. It was so good to see her again.
Remembering my essay I proceeded to asking a teacher where the classroom was. After the teacher took what seemed like forever flipping through the papers, finally she gave me the classroom number. I turned around in excitement to have a friendly conversation but I turned around to nothing. No one stood there behind me, my angel was gone.
Questions rushed through my mind. Where did she go? Was she really there? Am I just missing her so much? I couldn’t understand what had just happened. So I continued to the classroom, I just had a paper to turn in.
When I walked through the halls I only wondered if it was true or not, could she actually have come back and if so why? She was supposed to be gone from this place for good. Did she recognize me, or have I changed so much since then? Does she even remember me?

The author's comments:
This story is a snip from my life that had happened recently. That's why I wrote about it.

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