The Club | Teen Ink

The Club

April 2, 2014
By Hannah3 BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
Hannah3 BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To this day i still clearly remember the time I made that club. It was when I was in 3rd grade. We would run around the swingset on the warm day with the sun beating down on our pale skin. We were giggling and hiding from her. We would make sure she knew we were avoiding her too, whenever she came close we would run and hide somewhere else. I'm still not sure why i created the club, I was just mad and angry. I thought it was a good idea at the time, a way to finally get revenge for what she has done in the past. She was always the most popular, the prettiest in the class. She would take all the boys with her perfect fake smile (but her teeth were tinted yellow) and those cute dimples that appeared right at the corner of her mouth (but they tend to suck in too far) and the flip of her brown long hair with her tan manicured hand. The only girl in third grade to where her mom would bring her to get her nails done as the rest of us chewed them down. She had flaws, but only her “bestfriends” figured them out. I just happened to fall into that bestfriend group. She was mean and a snob, everyone knew it but somehow we all wanted to be her friend. When she got something cool and expensive she would make sure everyone knew about it. She would act like the nicest little girl in front of all the teachers and parents, she was good at fooling you, she fooled me. She knew how to pull off that dumb but cool look in front of the guys to make them all have little third grade crushes on her. She would convince you that she was trustworthy that you could tell each other your secrets. Later on though she would blackmail you and hold it against you. But most of all, the flaw that the club got its name was that she was in love with ketchup more than anything. She would poor ketchup on her eggs, on her fruit, with pizza any kind of food you can imagine. So thats when I decided to call the club “I hate Ketchup club” but the thing was the word ketchup stood for her.
“She isn't better than us, you know that.” I said
“I know, I guess ill be part of the club” my friend said
“Perfect, anyone can join, as long as she doesn't know.”
That conversation was carried on between me and many friends that day of recess. I had enough 9 year old power to get our group of friends to turn on her. She didn't know it but at recess we would slowly start to ignore her. If someone found out we would pretend it was because we really didn't like ketchup, and that was believable because i honestly couldn't stand ketchup and people knew that.
During our break we would play a game and not invite her.
“Hey guys can i play?” She asked
we gave no answer, we laughed louder and pretended not to hear her incase she told on us we would say we didn't know she wanted to play. It was a smart but evil idea.
We were the real snobs. Of course tho we were all thinking she deserves it, that we were doing the right thing. I can't remember exactly what set me off to start this club, besides the fact she took the boys, she was meaner but more popular, i guess i just couldn’t take it anymore. But of course i was too faced just like everyone is in 3rd grade. When she asked to hangout i would, and i would love it, she was fun to hang with; but when we got to school and the other friends were around i pretended i hated her. I would try to get everyone on my side, so i could be the more popular one. Before i could even get anywhere the club secret got out and she told her mom. As you can imagine that is the biggest fear for a 9 year old girl, to have the mom find out. The word got to our 3rd grade teacher and we all had to stay inside during recess and have a lecture, it was terrible all the boys looked in the window and laughed and we were stuck inside on a warm day. I tried to get out of it, i tried blaming it on other people but it always came right back to me. I felt awful, i know what i have done, no matter how many times she was a snob to me the way she lived knowing she was always better i couldn't stand it but what i did in third grade equaled to everything she did to me.

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