Philosopy of Life | Teen Ink

Philosopy of Life

April 1, 2014
By KitKatNerd BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
KitKatNerd BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What are life rules? Codes of conduct, average human decree, or is it just your own personal principles based on your own psyche? What are your own self guidelines you live on a daily basis? Are they surface rules or are they deep and show who you truly are? I can’t tell you what rules you should live by in your life, that’s your own job, but I can tell you the five that I live by every day of my life.

Golden rule number one, treat people how you wish to be treated. In all honesty, I feel that humanity does not stress this rule enough. Even though many people were told this when they where young children, this is usually the last of the rules that they live by, or ever think of in life. When I was a little girl, I can always remember my grandmother along with my father and mother saying that you always treat everybody the way you want to be treated. That’s why this is my first, not to mention most important, life rule.

Personality, to me it means being your self, your true self, not what other people want you to be. Being your own person is my second most important rule as I have noticed around me that people are losing themselves. Whether it be to pressure from their peers, stress from the teachers assignments or because of their own parents. Sometimes even I start forgetting who I really am, feeling like if I just cave to be what other people want me to be, life will be better. But each time I’m about to cave in, I realize, I’m not them, I can never be what they want me to be, and I will be me, no matter what they tell me to be. After coming to that realization, I found this to be my second most important self moral.

Ambition, some people have it, others don’t but no matter who you are, you should do your best at everything you do. If my best isn’t what I expected it to be, I push myself and never give it up until I get to where I want to be. I’ve found out that you're never going to get any where in life if you sit in you room watching tv and eating bon-bons. No, you’ll never get anywhere at all if you don’t pick yourself off the ground and just try just one more time. Call it perseverance, stubbornness, or determination, I call it trying.

Beauty, everything and everybody has it, that’s why you should find somthing about everybody that makes them beautiful. Weather it be natural born talents or their personality, everybody is glamorous in their own way . Sure, you’re not going to be best friends with every single person you meet, but just remember this, their people too. They have weaknesses and fears, but their fair in their own way as well.

What are the things you love in life? Is it your parents, your siblings or is it your favorite pair of shoes? Why do we, as human beings, register that petty things such as the latest pair of clothing brand as number one instead of what should truly matter, our family’s and loved ones? I don’t know what the answer is. Though I do know what is more important. Petty things that you can live without in your life will consume and corrupt you, that’s why humanity should care more about what truly matters, family.

So in the end, my life code is, treat people with respect and you will be respected. Second be your self because no one can be you except you. Next, be bold, even when you’re wrong, admit you were and try again. Fourth, remember, everything and everyone has beauty, even the people you despise. And, at last, love what truly matters, your family won’t be around forever so cherish them while you can.

The author's comments:
I worked hard on this for an English paper and my teacher encouraged me to submit it!

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