Modeling Tips and Techniques | Teen Ink

Modeling Tips and Techniques

March 27, 2014
By DennisMenace BRONZE, Cupertino, California
DennisMenace BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you are an inexperienced modeler and are looking for some help and techniques to make your model as realistic as possible, then you've come to the right place. You will need to get some supplies first.

Go to your local crafts store or order online. You will need a strong glue or cement. I would not recommend white glue since it isn't made for plastic. You will also need paint and paintbrushes. Make sure that the paint is made for models or it won't apply correctly. For the brushes, get some cheap brushes that you can throw away after some use. Last, you will need spruecutters and tweezers. The spruecutters are for separating the pieces and the tweezers are for attaching decals and small pieces. These are the basic supplies you will need to begin with. As you become more experienced you can get an airbrush for painting and more professional items.

As for tips, they are quite simple. Before gluing a piece on, fit it to be sure it fits. If it doesn't, then sand a little bit of the side that doesn't fit off. Also, when gluing try not to use too much glue. If you over use, then the glue will come out from the sides of the pieces. If a piece doesn't fit in, don't try to press as hard as you can to make it get in. That can end badly with the piece breaking a bit off. When I was building the landing gear for 1 of my airplanes, to make the front landing gear support the plane, I pressed on the plane too hard making the landing gear snap in half. I glued it back together but I had to use some paint bottles to keep the landing gear off the ground, since it would break again from all the weight. The most important tip for model building is PATIENCE. Most people don't fully understand this but without patience your models won't be varied. For example, if you are building a old ship, you will need to put on some very small parts. If you won't be able to be patient and glue the pieces slowly, you will not finish with a nice result. Also, a model isn't a thing you will finish in a day or 2. It is a long lasting project that should take you at least a week. If you hurry while gluing then the piece, then you will need to reglue the pieces because you applied the piece after that too fast. If you have the patience and work on your model then your model will look good. Like in the story The Tortoise and The Hare, slow and steady wins the race.

I hope that this tips guideline will help you build the model of your dream. When building don't hurry. Most importantly, have fun while doing it. Thanks for reading.

The author's comments:
When I started building models at 11, I didn't know any techniques and really had little idea how to build them. To help beginners, I decided to write this so people can make realistic models made nice.

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