Homecoming | Teen Ink


March 16, 2014
By EnglishAssignment0142 BRONZE, Irrelevant, Utah
EnglishAssignment0142 BRONZE, Irrelevant, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was third period, student council class. We were going over the enormous work load that was Homecoming week. I am a member of the junior class, so none of this is my responsibility, but we definitely were helping out. Half way through the class we split into our committees. Mine was discussing the float we needed to build. We talked about decorations and how it would look. We decided we needed balloons, of course. I mentioned we could get them at Smiths for just 50 cents a pop, and made sure everyone laughed at least a little at the joke of me saying, “Pop.” Now I probably shouldn’t have been so confident about that price, seeing as it had been years since I checked, and I had heard about helium becoming a hot commodity. However I mentioned nothing and continued on. We agreed to each get 4, even though we hadn’t planned much else, including logistics and how we would get the rest of the float happening. My only responsibility was 4 balloons, how could anyone fail this simple task?

So the night before we were supposed to make the float I went off in search of these balloons. The first stop was, of course, Smiths. Turns out they had no balloons of any kind because they no longer had a helium provider. Not to be discouraged, I went to the dollar store, only to find out they only had shaped balloons, which were no help. My next step was Wal-Mart. I show up, bought balloons, waiting for them to be filled up, and left. It only took 65 minutes and 6 dollars, but I had my 4 balloons. Almost immediately upon returning home I got a text, explaining how we had no float, no one else got balloons, and essentially just the message that I had wasted my night. Fret not though, as this story is not a sad one. I completed my goal flawlessly, and this achievement should be celebrated.

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