Shaming Women | Teen Ink

Shaming Women

March 16, 2014
By Anonymous

5 months ago I went through an extremely personal obstacle in my life and because of it, people in my school decided to do what is called s***-shaming. They took the rumors they had heard about me and used them against me using the words "s***", "w****" and "easy" to create something not only harmful but alienating. The comments about my life choices were not only circling the school, they were also behind my back. Not a single one of these people were brave enough to say anything to my face, only when my friends approached me with concern did I finally realize what was going on around me. Being called a "s***" is not what is harmful, the true harm comes from inaccurately accepting what is being said as the truth. The only truly important thing a person can have is self respect, but once that is lost to a word like "s***" or "w****" what's left? Who will respect you if you can't respect yourself? The people s***-shaming me probably didn't even know the harm they were causing by using my actions to categorize me in a negative way, which is why I have decided to not only push past the empty words they called me, but to speak out against the unjust, and sexist terms used on a nationwide scale. Luckily I have had people in my life that were able to help me out of the dark place I was in, but because not everyone is fortunate enough to have that I would like the opportunity to tell my story, and let people know that just because you are put in categories it does NOT mean that that is the person you are! The only person that can determine who you are is yourself and no one else! My dream is to not only end all sexist slurs against women but to gain the rightful freedom we deserve to express ourselves not only sexually but in every way a man is able to! Man and woman are "theoretically" equal but in reality women have much to gain if we ever want to be able to live a life with pure equality, and I plan to do everything I can in order to achieve that.

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