Earley Moring | Teen Ink

Earley Moring

March 14, 2014
By WarmSummerRain BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
WarmSummerRain BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was awoken with a heavy kiss on my forehead, an already showered and dressed boyfriend looking at me. He leaned his body against my bed and told me that he had to leave soon, he moaned out the words regretting them. It was too early to know what the magic of night before held. I rolled out of bed and followed him upstairs.

I watched him pace the ground around the living room, the table had his feet tracks circling it as he watched out the window for his ride. I sat on the couch and reached for him he came up behind me holding my hand with his and wrapping his other around my neck pulling me in for a real kiss. He tasted like fresh tooth paste and hint of tobacco from a morning cigarette, he had been up for a little while now. As he pulled away he whispered an I love you and I nodded my pressed my fore head against his and said the same. He smiled my favorite smile the honestly happy one, and then began to pace around the table again. I reached carefully for my laptop balanced on books and games on the table. And waited for it to come alive, being up in his wake of the sun only inspires me. I began to type in a new window, my fingers making the loudest noise in the house, seeming in snick with the blasting heater in the back of our house.

This was a normal winter morning, the snow had started to drift from the clouds late last night in the promise of morning. The trees outside seem to be a larger version of cotton plants, as the snow had palled on the dead broken branches. I wanted to watch his light in the morning, he sipped his coffee still walking in place, he's eyes focused on the window. His eye brows pulled together in frustration, I heard his stomach growl from deep within in him. He looked at me and smiled, as if happy with the hunger but knowing better he just wanted my mind at ease.
"Do you want me to get you something to eat Babe?" I asked Tearing my eyes away from the dim screen. He moved his head from side to side saying no time, moving is hair over his green eyes, he flipped it back in place. His brows suck together in the middle of his forehead. He sat down next to me suddenly pulling my legs in his lap and turned the computer screen so he could see. He laughed at the sentence of his eyebrows, I pressed my thumb ageist them to relax and smooth them into their right place. His eyes closed slowly, and breathed carefully trying to not let his anger get the best of him in these last few moments in front of me.

Suddenly a chime of his phone made him pull away and look at the small screen ready in his hand. He rolled his eyes after reading it and slide in across the table for the simplify to get it away from him.

"He says his almost here, yeah right" He murdered getting worked up again

" Where are you going again?" I asked, trying to muffle a yawn, feeling the heaviness in my eyes.

"Band practice." he hissed harshly, "at 7:30 in the morning." I yawned again and brayed my face in his chest wanting him to carry me back to bed and sleep next to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, I knew he wanted the same. I breathed his smell in hoping that he had left a t-shirt behind to smell later when the deep loneliness sets in. He sat up, leaving my arms cold and me confused, my eyes were so heavy I barely could keep my eyes open. But I kept watching him as his push the currents aside and looked out the snowy wonderland. Turning to me suddenly saying he hopes he would get a ride back later I nodded smiling.

Another chime of his phone signaled the roar of an engine coming up the white road, turning and parking in front of my house. Nick turn and picked up his back pack and then his coffee and giving me another kiss, the one solid as he was finally leaving. I turn and watched him quickly open the door and step out so the cold wouldn't hit me sitting there and the slam of the door made the loneness start to feel its kick. I look around me, the quite was thick and the sun had just started to peak out of the clouds. I closed my eyes and tried to focus of waking up and starting my day. I got up slowly walking into my room, opening my laptop on my bed when I glanced across the room. There in my favorite blue chair under the window I saw a black bundle of fabric, I walked over and picked it up slowly, he had left a shirt behind. I slowly put it to my nose and breathe deeply he was still here, this was still him.

The author's comments:
Jennifer is an 18 year old striving to be a full time writer as a life goal. She lives in the middle sized town of Colorado Springs, Colorado in a warm basement all to herself, filled with countless poetic words of passing nights. She's wrote on many different short Creative Non- fiction stories but is now working on re-fining her poetry skills. Her writing gives a new deeply detailed look on the normal world we all life in, are about of human emotion and passion bring her writing to life.

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