What is Life to Me??? | Teen Ink

What is Life to Me???

March 11, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

Life ... to me is something I have never understand but I have learn a lot from it . I get hurdles and complications at each stage of life . But it have actually made me strong , made me a real human . I learned to be strong , to be patience, to control my desires . I started valuing what I have . I learn to fight for myself , to prove myself ... and more I learn is to be happy in my problems . It is not easy to smile when your heart is overloaded with tears , but life taught me even that .
From the very beginning from our life , God started preparing us for all that we have to face in our future . And the hard part is that we have to face it all alone . I remember the first day of school, no friend , no parent .... ,and my first love when everything is looking so new and alive .. new college life ... . Every journey of each stage of my life, I started alone and during that way I even faced so many hurdles making friends ,doing adjustment and proving myself . I have tasted the bad . I have made mistakes . I have even witnessed my close friends coming out false . I have been face that pain when someone whom you trusted a lot .... left you as be in pain ... when someone mean a lot to you and you nothing to him.

But by the end .. when I was about to finish my journey , I realized I have even tasted so good . What was wrong and bad was all left behind at a road but true people are always there till the end and no matter how much I have lost , I have get even more than that .
All my wandering years , I asked myself where I go to find true people but they are not the people I was travelling for .... , They are the people I was travelling with . My friends , my family were always there to hold me .. to pick me up whenever I fall .
But sometimes ... even after having so many people , I found my self somewhere so alone . All what we need is love and care from the one we really feel close .
Today I know , where I am wrong and where I had made mistakes . All I want is to take a step back and collect all that missing pieces of life , I have left behind . I want to go back in past and want to apologize from all those whom I have hurt. I don't remember now what they have done wrong to me but if I will never apologize to them for my mistake , it would always be hard on my part to live with those broken memories .
One thing I surely point out about life is "it goes on"... so isn't it better to live alive and happy even in those painful moments .
No matter , how much I suffer what matter is what I have learn from my mistakes.

The author's comments:
" It never matters what I was .. what matter is what I have become "...!!!

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