Remember me? | Teen Ink

Remember me?

March 6, 2014
By Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

Remember me? The girl who you were with on and off with for 4 years, practically our whole high school life in California. Do you remember the girl you barely saw but talk to more than anyone? Do you remember the girl you treated like complete s***? Do remember the girl you let walk away? Because I do, I remember her more than anything. That girl was weak minded and was blinded by love. That girl thought it was normal to be cheated on and to be hurt by the person she loved because that is all she ever knew. That girl’s mother was never in a stable and healthy relationship so she never truly knew what was right and wrong. This girl stressed and cried over everything you have done and said. When you were down, she was down, when you were up she was up; but you could never see that, could you? You could never see that she loved you, you could never tell that she cared even though she showed it every chance she got. Did you even know that this girl put more effort into a guy that was an a**hole to her than putting effort into people who loved her. This girl was stupid to believe your lies each year. It’s funny how you never apologize for a single thing you did to her, no instead you would pretend like it was her fault. Instead you would not even text her or talk to her because you knew this girl was weak and you knew this girl loved you enough to always come back. You knew that she would never walk away and, the saddest part is, she knew it too. She knew she wasn’t strong enough but she was never taught to walk away, she was taught to always stay and to never quit. Mr. Walker, that girl found out that walking away doesn’t mean you’re quitting, sometimes it means you have so much love and respect for yourself that you’re not going to stand around and fight for someone who’s already given up. After shedding tear after tear over a boy she looked in the mirror and realized that she is a beautiful prize, who shouldn’t be tossed around. She knows that she doesn’t need a man to feel loved, because she has amazing friends, family, and herself. This girl finally decided to get her head and heart out of her a** and screw it back onto her body. She has finally left the stress of having you and every other boy behind because she needs to focus on school, family, friends, and amazing fun times loving herself, as she always should have. Mr. Walker, even though you have hurt this girl you have taught to not waste time on someone who does not care. Through this journey, she has taught herself to stand strong with her head held high even when it’s raining outside. I laugh because, this girl could kill you or hurt you, or even hate you; but instead she thanks you for showing her the light in the dark path you called a relationship. This girl knows she is strong and beautiful and despite what you think, she is going to be just fine…. Without you!

The author's comments:
This piece was written, right after I had gotten off the phone with my now ex-boyfriend. The relationship was created young and did not end until I was mature enough to walk away. This piece may be a bit harsh and it was actually a hate letter you would write but never send to that person. After reading it for several days I fell in love with it and decided to share it.

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