Dear A. | Teen Ink

Dear A.

February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear A,

I know I’ve been telling you all about Daniel, and how I have the world’s biggest crush on him. But truth is, I have recently developed feelings for you too. I know this feels like Déjà vu to you and is something you don’t want to hear.

But I have to get it off my chest:

A, I know you’re going to make a girl extremely lucky someday, and I wish that it could be me.

The way you listen to my stories,

Keep me close and a part of your life

Laugh at all my “jokes”

Keep your promises to me

Cheer me up when I’m sad

Put up with me whenever I try to set you up.
A, you’re absolutely perfect.
But let’s face it, you’re like Romeo and I’m like Rapunzel.
Yes, all you need to do is ask to climb the tower, but I can’t get myself to let my hair down because I’m not your Juliet – I can’t bring myself to stand between you two.
(No, this is not because I ship you two, but because I can never compare to her.)
But I just want you to know and remember this,
Someday, you’re going to make a girl extremely lucky, and I really do wish I could be that girl.
And believe me,

Her stories are going to be more amazing than mine,

you’ll never want her to be more than 5 feet away,

her jokes will actually be funny,

you’ll make legit promises to her, and want to keep them

She’ll never be sad around you

She will always love you,
A, I honestly love you so much, and I think I always will. But I just can’t bring myself to let my hair down to let you in.

Love, K.

PS. Maybe I won’t marry Daniel, but if he doesn’t ask me to prom or ask me out, I DON’T KNOW IF I’LL BE ABLE TO GO ON.

PPS. We are a match made in heaven, okay. We even went grocery shopping together.

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