Silence No More | Teen Ink

Silence No More

February 18, 2014
By Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The selection is about a girl who is gay. She is a freshman and doesn’t want to be open about her sexual orientation, so she is bullied and teased about her preference.

My reaction to this selection is not one of surprise. This is a very common thing among young children. Other kids can’t find anything else better to do but to make fun of people that are scared and vulnerable. I can’t really relate to this simply because I have never really been bullied. I understand where this girl is coming from. People don’t understand that is just the way some people are and they aren’t going to change. I am not surprised that she was bullied kids always find the weakest person to pick on, so standing up for herself was a huge step toward getting free from the torment. I don’t see the same problem, but I have heard of children in younger grades going through the same dilemma.

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