Eddie Fowler - How He Changed My Life | Teen Ink

Eddie Fowler - How He Changed My Life

January 21, 2014
By bekkalynn95 BRONZE, Blue Hill, Maine
bekkalynn95 BRONZE, Blue Hill, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve been asked if a relationship has ever changed my life, and I began to think about past boyfriends. But as I thought more about the question, I thought more about what a relationship really is. And then I thought about relationships I’ve had with friends, and I thought of one person. Eddie Fowler. Eddie Fowler has change my life. Not because he did anything amazing and out there, not because he inspired me in any special way, but because he taught me a lesson that I will carry with me forever. He unknowingly and unintentionally taught me to be kind to everyone, and to never leave on bad terms. How did he teach me this? He died. The last thing I told him was to stop talking to me because he was annoying me. In reality, he wasn’t annoying me, he was just being typical Eddie, and I was in a bad mood and incredibly irritable, but I still said things that shouldn’t have been said. Normally, I would calm down, and when I was ready, I would apologize to whoever I was rude to. But not this time. Just a couple of days later he was gone. I couldn’t pick up my phone and tell him I was sorry, even though I should have sooner. Even thought I never should have said anything that I would have to apologize for. But I did. And I can’t take it back. It’s been six months and twenty days, and I still think about it every day. But now I never leave a situation angry. If I say something hurtful, I make sure to apologize. Not just whenever I feel ready to, but immediately. I’ve also learned to let go of things. I learned I can’t continuously beat myself up for it. I had to realize that had I been able to say I’m sorry, he would have laughed it off and told me not to worry about it, just because that’s the kind of guy that he was. Now I always make sure to tell family and friends that I love them. In the worst way possible, Eddie taught me a lesson, which like him, I will never forget.

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