Partners in Crime | Teen Ink

Partners in Crime

February 6, 2014
By Derpasaur BRONZE, Hawley, Pennsylvania
Derpasaur BRONZE, Hawley, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I originate from a small Pennsylvanian town, a homey little place with its own personal wintry charm – a tad on the colder side for my liking, but I bear with it. I grew up in a family that possessed a yearning for adventure, instilling in me a bit of an itinerant mindset, constantly wanting to explore and experience realms outside the borders of a little home town. Being one for all sorts of escapades, it was simply inherent to be in need of a partner in crime, a fellow voyager willing to trek through muck and mud just for the fun of it. And through each exciting event, I came to find that aside from various other trivial sources of influence, what truly molded me into the person that I am today is the one I have every pleasure of calling my sidekick.

The initial pairing of me and my first accomplice came only shortly after my placement upon this world. He was approximately my age, and for a good while just about my height, but even in years to pass, not for a moment did I ever outgrow him aside from vertically. He was without a doubt my best friend, a reliable sort that was consistently there to provide an ear to ramble to and a shoulder to lean on. This comrade of mine was fiercely loyal, the protective type that was willing to shield me from whatever harm should come my way. Yet all the while a softy, with eager willingness to provide comfort through both the throes of trivial childhood troubles as well as the ridiculous preteen phases and stages, simply wanting to revive my spirits at the end of a long day. And he did this all without a single word of judgment – or any words for that matter, for he was mute. Given, this trait was shared with others akin to his species, for this companion of mine was none other than a four legged, cold nosed, tail wagging dog, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. And although at the time I was well aware of my being gifted with such a fantastic friend, I look back to realize that I never completely appreciated what more he had offered to me.

After providing me with sixteen years of unwavering love, the inevitable day came where I had to bid my old boy adieu. It was in my reflection of our years together that I made the realization of what other lessons my co-conspirator had proffered. It was through his canine compassion that I learned how to care for another unconditionally, something dogs are no stranger of. I became well versed in the concept that no matter what life could throw at you, that tomorrow brings another day, and that there was always something to be happy about. He taught me to live in the moment, that life was a short burst of energy and then was gone in the blink of an eye. I became studied on how to be a friend, that loyalty was a strong bond available only through trust of another. Above all, I was able to thoroughly comprehend that you truly don't know what you have until it is gone, making it critical that one cherishes every moment doing something they love, and by surrounding themselves with those they care for. It was with a dog's help that I learned how to be a better human, and with a heavy influence from my partner in crime, I came to be the person that I am proud to be today.

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