A Little Too Late | Teen Ink

A Little Too Late

January 28, 2014
By Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

She was the one who believed she was in love. The way he would texted her from day to night from “good morning beautiful”, to “sweet dreams babe”. She believed she finally found prince charming. This girl has heard numerous rumors that he wasn’t faithful; but she would ignore them and say “people will do anything to break apart a ‘perfect’ relationship”. She was “as blind as a bat” someone would say and others would say she was simply “blinded by love”, but truth be told she knew everything. She knew exactly who he truly was before the first kiss. She has always known he wasn’t faithful, he never spoke the truth, and he has told every girl the same thing. Unfortunately, she did not know she could not change him, she did not know she was just like every other girl he has “loved”. Sadly, it took this girl four years to get the courage to walk away. Surprisingly, as soon as he knew she was done for good, he began to throw a fit, claiming he would change his ways. He deleted all the girls out of his life and claimed he wanted her to be his wife. Even though, she loved him she knew it was all an act; this girl would not be fooled once again. Very upset, she walked away with her head held high. She knew it would take some time but things would be better in the end. Sadly, what she didn’t know was that he was serious, but she did know it was a little too late for change. That girl came into the relationship as a hopeless romantic looking for her soul mate and left a head strong young lady who could never be fooled again. I was the one who got a away.

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