A Glimpse of Danny M. | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of Danny M.

January 17, 2014
By Danny Manzano BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Danny Manzano BRONZE, La Mesa, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think of myself I would say that I am definitely an outdoors man. My favorite place to be is Mission Beach because it has everything I need to be relaxed. When I go to the beach I either boogie board, ride my skateboard, or play football in the sand with my friends. The reason I love being at the beach is because it makes me feel relaxed and I can do a combination of things I enjoy. I absolutely love the feel of sand on my feet and the sun beating down on my skin as I pass all of the houses and restaurants through the cool breeze with the ocean water sparkling in sight. As I arrive at the pier I like to just stop and look about the ocean and then back at the shore line as the people look like ants trying to find their place. As I walk back down the pier the waves carry the surfers back to shore and the sound of waves crashing is emitted through my body and I feel at home.

The author's comments:
Being at the beach is a passion of mine and that's what inspired me to write this piece.

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