Car Crash | Teen Ink

Car Crash

January 14, 2014
By Sammy Dochod BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
Sammy Dochod BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

VROOM. As we rounded the corner on the highway thats when it all went downhill. BANG! SCREEECH! HISS! The screaming of my little brother, me crying, my sister and mom calm. We all were in shock and in panic too. It was an ugly mess.

It was a beautiful, hot summery day. The sky was clear, sun shining bright. Me, my sister, brother, and mom were on our way to our friends cottage. On the way there we passed a lot of trees, woods, hills, lakes, bridges and all sorts of other things that aren’t really important. Also there was a small, cool breeze. My sister, my brother, my mom, and I, were going to our friend’s cottage because they were having a party the weekend after the fourth of July. My dad was riding with his friend because he had to do a fishing tournament.

So my infant brother, Brady, was crying in his carseat. I was trying to get him stop crying, but he went on and on nonstop. So I gave up. I laid down and started to listen to music. So my mom said for Skyler to turn around and calm him down. Of course she had to take off her seat belt to get to him. She turned around and held onto the seat and tried to put his “paci” in his mouth.

CRASH! SCREECH! POOF! The airbags went off. My mom had rear ended a truck. So we all pulled over to the side because the car was smoking. We didn’t know if there was a hole in the airbags or if the car was on fire.

The lady that we hit helped me get Brady out first. Then I got out, screaming, crying, and in horrible shock. The lady told me to calm down and I did for a minute. Then Skyler got out and she was fine until I came across something very bad.

“ SKYLER!” I yelped. “Look at your thigh, look at your thigh!”

“ How did I get this?” she said.

Her thigh was different shades of black and blue. Her whole thigh was just a huge bruise. Then my mom got out and she was shocked with fear. Her eyes welled up as she started to cry. We all backed away from the car just incase the car blows up.

“ What about our stuff though mom?” I said in a panic.

“ I don’t want to take the chance just incase the car blows up. Also things are replaceable and you three aren’t,” mom said in a weary voice.
Will we have to take Sky to the hospital if the ambulance doesn’t show up? Will she be able to swim this weekend?

We stood there on the side of the road and a minute later a white car pulls over and stops. There were five people that got out of the car. The mom tells her son to call 911. He did while she came over and asked if we were ok. So about five minutes later a small city worker truck from Big Rapids came and started to lay down cones by us so the cars would know to slow down. An ambulance and a police car came right after the worker truck.

The cop talked to the lady that we hit and she left. So my sister and I had gone into the ambulance. The medic started to examine her leg to see if she had broken bones in her thigh.

So he checked out her thigh so he said ,” I don’t think her femur is broken but you might want to take her to the hospital just in case.”

Then my dad and his friend, Jake, arrived at the scene. They started to pack up the truck with our things. Meanwhile my mom was talking to the cop. She got a ticket.

“ What the heck thats not fair mom! Thats not fair! She pulled out in front of you. She caused the crash and was driving slow to where you hit her by accident! She should have gotten the ticket it was her fault not yours!” I shouted.

I was furious because that old bat didn’t get the ticket from the cop even though she caused it in the first place.

Thats when the tow truck came to get the car. The front of the hood was bent up into the motor.

I wonder if everyone heard the news? I hope that everyone doesn’t bombard us the second that we get there.

We all had to squeeze in the truck. Thank goodness that most of the stuff was in the way back of the truck. It was awfully tight inside the truck, mostly because of the car seat

“ And we are off to the cottage,” I said happily.

It only took us about 20 minutes to get to the cottage from where we had crashed. The car ride of the 20 minutes was literally pin drop silent. So we got there and we were rushed by everyone that was there before us. They all were like are you ok, are you fine, we’ll help you guys out if you need it.

Thank God that, that’s over. I would have about died if that went on any longer. I wonder if Skyler can swim with all of us kids? Should I go and swim with our other friends or should I wait? Humm.

All of a sudden Jake’s son, Brendan, runs up behind me and clings on to me.

“ I’m fine thanks for the concern though,” I said with a sarcastic tone of voice.

So the rest of the weekend was great, everyone that was at the party all had a great time. Also we all got to swim in the middle of the lake, even Skyler too. We didn’t take Skyler to the hospital because she was fine, swimming and walking. I just hope not to get in get in another one though because that was the scariest thing that I encountered, that involved with cars. At least we all were fine so thats good and that everyone is safe too.

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