Look Up | Teen Ink

Look Up

January 9, 2014
By deedeeking BRONZE, PORTLAND, Texas
deedeeking BRONZE, PORTLAND, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Through trial and tribulation comes the building of each unique woman, setting them apart through the memories of their own past. Everyone has their own story that has shaped them into the human being they have become; a mold designed only for one. My life now, because of my story, shines vibrantly through my smile granted upon me by God, my loving family, and my supportive friends. I am truly blessed to be able to say that the woman I have shaped myself into is one to be proud of. The obstacles in my life up until this point have turned me into a confident, loving, and understanding individual. I am not afraid to back down from challenges set before me, or when met with adversity. This life is one that I can give credit to my tortuous past. Although I am thankful for what it has made me to be, the experience that brought me here was not an easy path.

Around people I acted like I was a happy, bubbly, and normal person. I laughed with the people that made jokes about me, and I blew it off as if it were minor. The reality of it was that their comments ate at me from the inside out. I never fought back because I felt helpless in my position. I attempted to ignore all the hurtful sarcasm, and jokes that were supposedly all fun and games, but it was not fun. It was a horrible game where I was always in last place.

My story began in middle school as a pubescent child. My parents had me homeschooled until then, so I was not raised the way the averaged child was. I was helplessly unaware that people were capable of being so rude and cruel. When I began what was soon to be a long, treacherous journey for two years at this private school, I assumed that everybody was going to be Christian and nice, although what I received was a harsh awakening. I was beyond thin and paper white. I had frizzy hair which was untamable, and wore clothes that never seemed to fit. In plain, I was a dork. Every day I would be victimized by pointless, hurtful comments like “Toothpick”, “Nice hair frizz-ball”, “I could break you like a twig”, “What’s with the baggy clothes”, and “Are you anorexic?” To my bullies it seemed like fun and games, as if it were one big joke, but to me the side comments began to build. It only got worse, which twisted me into a fearful, insecure, and helpless person. They never would have known that after I moved on and left, all their jokes would break me down only to build me up again.

I finally turned my life around when I realized that no one could make me out to be less than the amazingly perfect child of God I am. I learned to love myself as I love others, regardless of the opinions of the world, and to hold my head high in the presence of negativity. I dug deep into my own heart, and found that no matter what anybody would ever say about me, I would always be me, and that was enough to live my life happily.

The author's comments:
I don't desire this story to draw sympathy, but rather make aware that one's actions can affect the individuals they interact with. Perhaps this story may encourage those who have been in my shoes to be confident and happy with who they truly are.

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