Off to College | Teen Ink

Off to College

December 12, 2013
By Henrietta BRONZE, Naples, Florida
Henrietta BRONZE, Naples, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moment came sooner than thought, quicker than I would’ve liked. I knew the day would come but when summer came, I always just thought I still have the whole summer, oh there’s still a month to the date. But thinking like that and not seizing each moment with him made it come even faster. And summer ended up going by as fast a gust of wind. The week before it, I was sad thinking about how different it would be, because I knew that in a week Kristian, my brother, and my best friend, would leave to college.

“You’re sure you have everything in the back?” my dad asked one last time before leaving our driveway for the ride to the airport.

“Yeah, I think so,” Kristian answered.
On the car ride up to Fort Myers International Airport, I couldn’t stop thinking about how different it would be with him gone. There wouldn’t be anyone that I could annoy endlessly anymore. Or who I could ask for homework help. Or who I’d go to crossfit with. But wait, I would get my own room, and for once I wouldn’t have to share with my sister, this took my mind off of Kristian leaving.

“When does school start?” Nicholas wondered.

“Exactly two weeks.” Kristian answered as if he was excited.
Kristian must be happy to get out of Naples, I thought. And excited to live his college life. But it also must be scary.

“We are almost there, do you want to get anything to eat?” my mom asked.

“No, I’m good, maybe at the airport,” Kristian responded.
My sister looked sad in a way and her eyes looked a bit teary.

“I will miss you very much,” Camilla said suddenly.

“I’ll miss you too,” Kristian responded bluntly.
We parked the car, and my dad grabbed some of the bags while my brother grabbed the others. In the airport, we looked for his gate number; on the way there we happened to pass by a Dunkin Donuts, my favorite. Yum, I thought.

“Dunkin Donuts,” I blurted out, hoping someone would offer to go.

“That sounds good,” my brother replied.
While eating our donuts and drinking our lattes, my parents went over what they’d gone over about a hundred and one times.

“Remember to take college seriously,” My mom said.

“You need to make sure you get everything your taught, and don’t do imprudent things,” My dad added.
I bit into the donut and immediately after took a big gulp of the latte, barely listening to their instructions. The chocolate donut was so good and went along perfectly with my caramel latte. As I finished up my delectable snack, it hit me that this was the last meal I would be sharing with him until he returns home. It hit me that maybe I’ve been over thinking his departure, maybe it won’t be so bad after all. I began to appreciate the last few moments with him.
“Bye, I’ll miss you.”
“Bye Nicholas, I will miss you too. I’ll text you when I’m there,” Kristian said sympathetically.
“Bye Kristian,” Camilla said embracing him as a tear rolled down her face, “I’ll really miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, Camilla.”
“I’ll send you care packages once in a while.”
“Okay thanks,” Kristian laughed.
“I will miss you. Good luck in college,” I said as I hugged him tightly. This was when I realized that I have been over exaggerating and him leaving wasn’t such a big deal.
“I’ll miss you too, sister.,” He responded.
After my parents said their good-byes. We watched as he went through security. When he was through security, we waved a last time, and left when he was out of sight. Now, I would wait until he visits us.

It ended up being much different than I had expected at first. It didn’t take long to get used to Kristian being gone. I had my own room. The house was quieter because he wasn’t be picking on Camilla all the time. And to be honest, I didn’t feel much difference after all; I didn’t notice a change actually. It just made the times that I see him feel a bit more special and appreciated.

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