My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

December 6, 2013
By JarBear BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
JarBear BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spongebob: Patrick are you ready to party 'till we're purple!?

The date is January 17, 1997. And life goes on in San Diego, California, progressing as it usually does. Thriving, writhing and bustling with more complexities and subtleties than any other city imaginable. Within its boundaries it has in it contained all forms of life, from the most wealthy and intricate beings, down to the most emaciated, simplistic existences. It has everything from the slowest paced relaxed surfers and golfers, to the time-crazed, money crunching business man, down to the most humble, oversized family just trying to make it. Quiet modest unpretentious farm roads, ocean bound expanses of concrete and asphalt, flowing with the land getting you where you need to go, but in no hurry, and gargantuan overcrowded freeways cutting right through the landscape. Entirely engulfed in thousands of pedestrians, and bicyclists, and yet home to one of the largest concentration of over expensive automobiles. Amidst the whirling struggle of this ecosystem of strain, another piece to the puzzle was added. And without a doubt many others where to, but this unique part to the engine of population, was different. Something had changed, and yet, nobody noticed, at least not here, not yet.

A spectacular, yet secluded arrival occurred in a lonely, overcrowded hospital in Chula Vista, just outside of San Diego. A baby boy was born. Not just any average Joe schmoe little baby boy. He was meant to do things, and he knew it. So of course he got to work, slowly watching the world fly around him. By the time he was nine months old he could walk and talk completely. And year two of existence he was having intelligent, well spoken adult conversations, and helping to watch over a baby sister. This young boy was peculiar no doubt about it and different in a way none could articulate. Not teachers or parents, coaches or leaders, or even friends and family of any kind. There was something different about this one, nobody questioned it, and everybody knew it. But what exactly “it” was, as remained a mystery. Either way California was not where he was most needed. So the boy and his family embarked on their way to Houston Texas. All across the never ending 1,468 miles of desert, rock, cacti and tumbling weeds. From jackrabbits to armadillos, from squirrels to skunks they passed it all by. So slow to get there, yet moving so fast, slicing through the countryside at blazing speeds, watching the trail drag on like a snail, the landscape ever constant. The desert felt comparable to an unwavering oven of death and infertility; yet, it was teeming with organized, hardened, resilient life. And brutal as it all was, it was a kind of life, just like that in mom and dad in the front seat behind all the boxes, or baby sister in her seat just to the right. He even recognized the similarities in the life within the dog in the kennel; he was beginning to see how it was all related. Knowing that, the realization occurred that the self same life, had once existed in all creatures, including ones like the dinosaurs he held in his hands and on his lap. He needed no complex understanding, there was just his feeling, almost an internal knowledge that every living thing is connected and not only is related in one way or another, directly affects all the rest. He began to feel for and about others around him, it was subtle but it was the beginning to something wonderful, something that would save lives someday. Though nobody knew it, not even quite himself, he was taking his first steps to understanding, and learning to love the life around him.

As the years flew by, as the moments dragged on, triumph and success became second nature. Love and compassion were not taught, but only refortified by his experiences. This uncanny growth, and the unexpected nature of his rapidly progressed maturity, naturally set him apart from the others in the mass farming that is the public education system. Private school was attempted by his parents, and it seemed, on paper that is, to have been an outstanding success; nevertheless the social inadequacy of the situation was beyond prevalent to any casual observer. Again, the scenery needed a change; he had reached all the limits to his potential in this state. So he watched as the humidity seeped away, the flat rocky expanses became green rolling hills, blistering heat morphed into frigid cold, but what did not leave with the mosquitoes, was the genuine loving people. At last he arrived, and Wisconsin welcomed our young hero with open arms.

Quickly placed in the honor programs in the public school system, a better balance was achieved. Even though now he was different, separated, and even ridiculed by those the adults called his peers, he had more than found a way to enjoy this new life he had little choice in which to live. In this time he developed an exceptional ability to sense the intentions of others and adjust himself accordingly, and in turn began the process to mold himself into the young man he knew others needed. So his support system began. Shy kids would need help on a problem but they were too hesitant to ask the teacher, so he consequently expanded his knowledge, and deepened comprehension of the subjects so that he could be the one they could go to. Lonely kids needed a friend at lunch, so he stayed out of the popular group. Of course the athletic kids also had some deep down insecurities, which could only be addressed if he could relate to them, so he became an athlete. Nerdy kids really just needed someone to treat them nice, and listen, and talk to them about what they love, with no ridicule, so he fell in love with Pokémon, yugioh, and Zelda games. Other kids just needed a vent sometimes, of course he was the man for the job, his younger siblings had built up his patience. Without conscious decision, only good intent, this now young man, had adapted to best be able to help and support anybody and everybody; Recognized not in means of self importance or self confidence, and neither in that of shame, but one of pure fact. Alas, his limits were once again reached, and the rolling hills and happy neighbors melted away, then stretched, rose and fell into the white capped glories that are the Rocky Mountains. The culture changed, but his growth continued exponentially, it no longer required conscious calculated decision. In almost any walk of life, his success was achieved by purely just feeling and reaction to those feelings. Weather it was in math, football, or even the assistance any troubled being for that matter, knowing without knowing how he knew became his life. He knew where the running back was going, nobody had to tell him, he would solve problems and not know how he did it or how he knew. This of course infuriated his coaches and teachers, but there was nothing to be done, they could only let him continue on higher and higher. As he excelled, subsequently his life become more difficult and complicated. The wonderful family that had always been his one true rock of support now struggled to maintain itself. Things got better; they also got significantly more difficult, which is not a new thing to happen in life, but what is, is how soon and at the scale and rate in which it increased. More problems to solve that are more complicated and with less time, this became the outline for his life. Life honestly had become somewhat of a circus act. But of course as soon as their feet had a chance to get grounded, and things started to work more fluidly, the desert called to him again.

The illustrious peaks of majesty reluctantly gave way to plateaus and smaller hills of the earth’s skin. Then skin stretched and cracked and the green could n longer permeate the wasteland that is Arizona. This time traveling with a total of 6 in the car, room and patience were minimized. But eventually they arrived and when they did, life began to move along again, and as usual life brought its all, but it was no match for one engineered for the job. Joy was found, if not created at every avenue and every corner, every failure was turned into success and every success was expounded even further upon. Efficiency is the name of the game, and he was the example. No experience was wasted, something could be taken away from it all, and he learned to absorb it one way or another. Without a doubt he was knocked down, and without fail he always got up, only to have each victory become sweeter and sweeter. As predicted lives were saved, and hundreds maybe thousands of lives changed, if not at least affected in some way by this boy. Most of them for the better, but either way he was leaving his mark, bringing as much joy, love and energy that could be contained in the human body. Not to mention it was his human body, which was particularly larger than most close to his age. Nothing could, and ever would get him down. Even when the most traumatic of all experiences arose he always found a way out, bringing others along the way. And finally after all these years of perfecting different aspects of body, mind, character, and spirit, he came to a realization, amidst all the happenings and insanity about him. The realization was as thus: his development and experiences and joy and help and love and support had not only given him the most amazing opportunities of joy in a lifetime for not only others but himself! All by the age of 16! And the blessings were his! Not just those of others! He had traveled the country! Experienced all kinds of people, and experienced all kinds of things to be had in experience, all kinds of hardships and countless one of a kind moments. Better prepared for this world than most ever are. Every possible avenue explored, talents experimented with, and true joy found. Whether it be through music, sports, or just the great outdoors, he enjoyed it all. And with all these skills and tools acquired, he soon learned he was able to help himself. And perhaps that is the greatest gift one can get. The ability to be self-reliant, yet know where, when, and why to look for help, the ability to know how to move forward no matter what, how to continue to at least the next chapter in your life, whenever that time may be. And once all of this had been realized, Jarom sat back and wept. Wept for the love, sorrow, heartbreak, strain, stress, happiness that had been put in up until this point. He then followed with a grin and embraced the glow of the next chapter, leaving the world to wonder what is next. After all he’s only just begun.

The author's comments:
This is a school project i feel i did well on

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This article has 1 comment.

BigDaveKMA said...
on Dec. 10 2013 at 3:26 pm
My biased is only surpassed by his genious... Amazing essay... no wonder it was voted in first place!