The Hair Cut | Teen Ink

The Hair Cut

November 12, 2013
By Anessa BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
Anessa BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I asked her with a grin and said, “Wanna play beauty shop?”
She thought for it for a minute and said, “Sure.”

I went to grab some supplies that a hair salon should have. I put the chair in the middle so she could sit down, and then I sectioned her hair and cut! cut! cut! The scissors sounded like a sharp knife cutting against each other as I cut her bangs. Her bangs came out-short she didn’t like it. But to me, I thought it was cute because I spent a lot of time on it. My friend came over with her sister, and she and I simultaneously cut her sister’s hair after I finished my sister’s hair. When we were done there was a bald piece on the left side of her hair! My friend looked and my eyes popped out like I had just seen a ghost. We said, “Oops.”

My friend laughed so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes like when you cut onions. My sister looked, saw her hair as she laughed and said, “Ha!ha! Yours look funnier than mine.” My friend’s sister screamed loudly and said, “You made me look ugly!”

My friend and I smiled and we went downstairs where everybody was hanging out and chatting. It was quiet when we got there. Everyone looked at us like their husband’s or boyfriend’s showed up at a bad time.

My friend’s sister said, “Stop laughing at me!” She went to look in the mirror and saw herself. She laughed because she realized how funny it looked.

Before midnight when my friend and her sister went home, I shut the door behind them and said, “Bye!”

As I shut the door it went “Wham!.” I turned around and saw my sister. She didn’t look at me.
I went to my room and came back and I finally said, “What happened to your hair?”
She looked at me and said “A beautician did it. If I were you I wouldn’t go to her and pay her. She sucks at it.”
We laughed and smiled and I said to her, “Go to bed before I cut all your hair.”

The author's comments:
What inspire me to write this is to show people that you can do anything even if you don't know how by practicing. you can also have fun by practicing on things that you don't know how to do so you can know in your lifetime.

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