Mysterious Love | Teen Ink

Mysterious Love

November 18, 2013
By Daaninte BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Daaninte BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I get off the bus, I see a couple of students enter the school with their friends and being happy. I stare up at the sky and wonder if I'll make any friends this year by being myself. I shake my head and laugh at the thought. Nobody likes a sad girl. I guess it's another year of putting on what I call a "happy mask." As I walk up to the doors. I take a deep breath and enter the school.

I look around as nothing changed. Same old boring hallway leading left, another leading to the right, and another leading straight to the lunchrooms. I went to left because there's a stair way to the roof and no one has the key except my photography teacher and I. Miss Candle, my photography teacher, knows that I like being up there and taking pictures of green house and the people down below. As I walk down the hallway, I see some of my classmates enter from the back entrance. They are happily chatting and telling each other about their summer. I quietly walked away from them and go to the stairway. I fumble around with my keys until I found the key. As I turn the lock I think to myself, what did I do this summer? I kept thinking but nothing pops up except watching anime with Ramen, my black cat. I guess I did nothing. I open the door and go to the roof. I go to a random spot and sit. I look down at my feet as I pull my knees close to my chest and bury my face. I feel my chest hurt and I find myself fighting back the tears that want to escape. I wipe them away and look up at the sky. How gloomy it is, it looks like it's going to rain soon. I pull up my hoodie and keep looking at the sky.

After what seemed like forever, I hear the bell ring and moaned out in protest. I get up and exit, luckily my first two blocks are with Miss Candle. I enter her room and she beams a huge smile at me.

"Ash! How are you, sweetie? I saw you go up to the roof. Were you looking at the flowers in the greenhouse? Oh, by the way, Good morning!" Miss Candle said cheerfully and quickly takes out an energy bar.

"Good morning. I'm good and I only went up there to see how the weather would be like later. I'll go up there during lunch and look at the flowers." I quietly said to her.

"Good! Good! Well, go take a seat at your usual computer and I'll start class soon" she said cheerfully, again, nibbling on her energy bar. She gets up from her chair, her hair red curls bounce lightly as she walks to the door. She wore a beautiful baby blue dress with a black belt and black flats. The blue brings out her red curls and her green eyes. I always admired how cheerful she is, yet I'm jealous of it at the same time. I wish I could be that cheerful all the time. As my mind wandered, someone touched my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my chair.

I turn around about to say something rude, when a guy with short brown hair and hazel eyes looked at me with the look of curiosity and concern. I stared at him for a bit as I realize he's pretty cute. He smiles and my heart skipped a beat as it so adorable, his teeth are perfectly white and straight. I blush and he motions me to stand up. I look at him and wonder what he is up to, I get up and he hugs me. I get stiff as I don’t even know what to do anymore. I gave out a noise and he immediately lets go and blushes.

"Why did you hug me?! I don’t even know you!" I frowned and look at him dead in the eyes.

"You... ummmm.. you looked so sad. Wh-when I saw your sad expression, I just wanted to give you hug and make you happy. Oh umm my name is Jordan, by the way." Jordan said as he extends his hand for a handshake. I looked at his hand then back at his face. he slowly puts his hand down as he can now tell I am angry.

"Well, you see, I don’t know you and you have no right to touch me or say that I look sad because I always look sad. That's how I am, okay? Oh, and since we are telling our names, mines Ash."

"Sorry, I really am sorry. I just, wanted to see you smile and if you always look sad then allow me to make you happy," he said as he slowly steps closer to me and for some weird reason my heart starts to race and I blush. Why am I blushing?! I can't like this guy, I just met him and he hugged me without asking! My thoughts race and before I knew it, he leans in and kisses me. My eyes got wide like a kid who got their ears pierced for the first time. I pushed him off and he smiles at me and hands me a piece of paper. I look at him still surprised and he leans in close to my ear and whispers, "Can I be yours, Ash?"

That question is buzzing in my head and he told me that he'll give me time to think out it. What just happened? I thought that I'm going to go though the year like I always do and graduate, go to a college and be normal but no, this cute kid comes out of nowhere, hugs and kisses me and then asks me out! Why me of all the beautiful girls in this school, he chooses me. I'm not pretty like the other girls, I'm not happy about life, I don’t like putting on makeup or dressing up. Why me? This I going to be a long year.

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