The Thing I Carry | Teen Ink

The Thing I Carry

October 17, 2013
By Zanna Safi BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Zanna Safi BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Paige,

It was the first day of 8th grade, and I walked into my Earth Science class which overflowed with kids I didn't know. The class’ layout was set up so that there were four rows of tables on each side of the class. The girl that was to become my best friend sat all the way in the back on the right side of the classroom, the second seat in from the walking isle. I had convinced myself I wouldn't make any friends that year, yet alone find a best friend. The I got into the school year the more I was proved wrong. Her and I became friends in class, making jokes the whole hour. We grew closer and closer and soon enough I found myself calling her my best friend when I talked about her to others. I was excited to tell my family that I made a new friend, seeming as I didn't have any since I moved to the school towards the end of the last school year and kept to myself a lot. We hung out once, twice, and then every weekend which soon enough became every day. Our friendship grew, as did our bond. It easily became one of the best things that had ever happened to me.

Standing a solid 5’7 she towers over me. She has big, chocolate colored eyes that squinted up and crinkle up at the sides when she smiles. She has long straight hair that is colored a caramel brown with dirty blonde streaks throughout it. She has a loud, boisterous laugh that is infectious to those around her. She may not be able to sing well (or at all, really) or capable of carrying a tune but I love it when she sings. It automatically brings a smile to my face.

Although she and I are physically different in many ways we still share an unbreakable bond. Personality wise we can be very different yet very similar in some aspects. We are both brutally honest, and very opinionated. We stand by what we believe and think, and nothing could sway us otherwise. We are not afraid to express how we feel or to tell each other when one of us is being ridiculous. We listen to what the other has to say even though we most likely wouldn't listen if it were to come from someone else. We tell each other the things that we don’t want to hear but need to hear. I go to her when I need a truthful and honest answer to a question without any sugar coating. I go to her when I need advice on a matter or when I’m in a rut. She could call me in the middle of the night, early in the morning or when I’m in the middle of doing something and I would drop it all for her in a heartbeat.

She is beyond important to me. Without her I wouldn't be who I am today and would be beyond hopelessly lost. She has helped shape me into who I am today. She has helped me when my whole world came crashing down and was considering taking my life. She made the pain from my past bearable. I didn't feel so alone and so hopeless knowing that I had a friend like her by my side. She brought a new light into my life, a new purpose. She gave me something to look forward to on days that I didn't want to get out of bed on. She helped pick up all my broken pieces and glue them back together even though she didn't know it at the time. We know what the other needs. We know when to shut up and give the other space and when to hug the other and let them cry it out. I even know what to feed her and when to feed her and lord knows that’s important since she’s cranky when she’s hungry! Although we rarely argue, when we do it rips me apart but no matter the argument I will always be there for her.

Although I cannot physically carry her around considering the fact that i am smaller and weaker than her I do carry her around in my heart and mind. I would do anything for her or give her anything in the world just to see her lovely smile and see her big brown eyes glisten when she smiles and laughs. The symbolic weight that she carries is love, strength and most importantly friendship. Sometimes are rough and hard for both of us but most times are very playful and full of joy. When one of us is upset or hurt it affects the other. When she is happy I am happy. When she is sad I am sad. It isn't always smooth sailings between her and I and our friendship takes effort on both our parts we make it work even if it means I have to super glue her to my side.

Sometimes she gets insecure about herself, but it doesn't matter. She is my best friend and in my eyes my best friend is stunning, strong, smart, independent and VERY loud. But most importantly she is mine and I am hers through thick and thin. She is you, Paige and I wouldn't change a single thing about our relationship or trade it for anything in the world. Thank you for everything that you've ever done for me and all the memories you've helped create throughout the years. I love you.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my best friend, Paige, and how strong our friendship and bond is.

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