Simply Alive | Teen Ink

Simply Alive

October 6, 2013
By Anonymous

There are many things I've become good at. I suppose you can say I've adapted, to word it better. It pains me to look back or even remember who I was four years ago for the simple reason that I was stripped out of my innocence. I was forced to evolve or get left behind. I lost the one thing I once fought so hard for.

I was sweet, I was kind even to those who weren't so kind to me, I went out of my way for strangers, I was a pushover, I cared too much, I loved volunteering and helping out all sorts of different causes, I was too vulnerable, I was gullible, I was naive, I was a hopeless romantic, I was traditional in the romantic sense, I was many things. And most of them were not who I am now.

What's left of me now? I'm still sweet and kind, but I don't let people push me around. I still care for causes, but I stopped helping. It hurt too much because I felt so powerless. I felt like I could save the world and spent sleepless nights crying when I felt like there wasn't enough I could do and just imagining all the people and animals suffering while no one else seemed to care enough.

I don't trust people. I don't trust their kindness. I don't believe that they could ever stay in my life. I don't believe in love. I believe it can happen to others, just not me. So I traded in my dreams of someday wearing a long, white dress, for skimpy outfits and an eating disorder so I could let boys have their way with me to make up for the void I have for that lack of romantic satisfaction.

And I've come to realize that even now I continue to adapt to new situations. All changes occur over a slow period of time and it hurts so much in the meantime. But once it's complete I'm able to repress more things that could possibly hurt me. And slowly, but surely I'm becoming an empty void. I'm there, but I'm not alive. I care, but I stay away from feeling. I'm simply alive for the sake of living until my time finally comes.

Slowly, but surely, I'm wasting away into an emotionless entity. Now, some may argue that this isn't human and it's wrong, but is surviving really so wrong?

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