My Big Win! | Teen Ink

My Big Win!

July 25, 2013
By tyler3636 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
tyler3636 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My father was always on a bowling team since I could remember. I would go with him every week. The manger used to live across the street from so he knew me well. He would let me bowl for free while my dad bowled. Good thing he did because now that im in high school I am a very good bowler and he is the coach of the bowling team! Just earlier this year I won the Bryn’s Jr masters bowing tournament for the second year in a row! A lot of kids that love bowling would love to have just one master’s title, but I have two!! Also each time I won I got a 500$ scholarship, so I have 1000$ in scholarships! My parents and family were very proud of me!

It was the best feeling when the match was over and I got my second title! The boy I faced was also a really good bowler. The first game we bowled was really close. We were no more than 10 pins from each other. The second game was not so good. Well for me at least. He had a better game than me by almost 90 pins! I was really nervous going in to the last game! But good thing my dad was there! He came over to me and said “its still not over bud” I had to bowl my best if I wanted the title. My opponent didn’t seem to worry about it but as the game was about half way through, he was starting to be overconfident and thought he had the title for sure but he didn’t. I stayed calm and threw the ball as best as I could. I could tell he was very nervous because he started bowling bad. So I knew if I threw as many strikes as I could I would for sure have my second title.

I’m glad my dad came over to me and gave me a pep talk because I thought it was over. And I felt a lot better knowing it wasn’t. It made me bowl better and I had confidence. When the match was over I was so scared waiting for the results. But when they said my name I was beyond proud of my self! My dad gave me a huge hug and my mom did too. Also I got a ton of handshakes!

After watching my dad bowl all those year made me love bowling. If it wasn’t for my dad bowling and teaching me I wouldn’t have had the chance to have such a great achievement! Also my coach, he is a great leader of mine and I can’t wait to go to college for bowling and start my life.

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