Fame! | Teen Ink


July 25, 2013
By Marissa1515 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Marissa1515 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you are beautiful no matter what they say, words cant bring you down" Christina Aguleria

My palms were sweaty and, there was a huge knot in my stomach. I knew I could do it I was just nervous. The audience was clapping it was a full house and I was up next.

My friend went up on stage and announced “Marissa, veteran of Public Theatre for 5 years 15 years old and a part ofPublic Theatres new studio is now going to sing Rolling In The Deep written by Adele.

I walked up on stage shaking. Walking up to the microphone I felt nauseas. My friend then started to play guitar and he counted me in. I started to sing and I was singing I looked straight ahead so that I could connect with the audience members. As I was singing I noticed some of the audience members looking at me with wide eyes. At first when I started to sing I was very nervous and everyone could tell but after a few seconds I really got into the song and became very comfortable on the stage. I knew that the stage was where I belonged. I started tapping my foot to the rhythm of the guitar. Eventually, I came to my favorite part of the song the closing verse in which there was this very high note that I had to hit. The note came out perfectly!! I tapped my foot even more and the audience could tell I was having a very good time. Finally, my moment to shine was over. I walked off stage and watched the other acts. When their moment of fame came to an end the doors to the lobby were finally opened so that performers could go and meet their family and friends.

On my way out of the stage area to go and find my mom and dad, I hugged the other performers to tell them how well they had done and to show good sportsmanship. As I walked through the crowd if loud people there were audience members pulling me aside and telling me how talented I am. It made me feel like a total rock star!! After getting some compliments, I finally found my parent’s they told me how proud they were, and how well I had done. We left the building and on our way to the car in the parking garage a few senior citizens that went to the show walked up to me and thanked me for a great show. One lady even said, “ I listen to Adele and that is a very hard song to sing, in which, you did great with!” She turned and then waked away. My dad gave me a hug and then left. I couldn’t believe I had really done it! The experience of being up on that stage was I feeling that I have never felt before a feeling that I know I want to feel again. After that night I knew and know that singing is what I want to do with my life.

I guess the point of this story is, if you believe in yourself and your dreams and work hard you can achive ANYTHING that your heart desires. You may have trouble along the way but, don’t let that get in your way and make you give up. I didn’t give up and now I have gotten accepted into a summer music school and I got to go and see a show called Newsies on Broadway. NEVER give up and BELIEVE in yourself!! Dreams really do come true and, its only a matter of time before yours do to!

The author's comments:
I hope people get inspiration!!!!

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